The new Maya Hee Maya Ha
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Now, think irritating. Ready? Start singing in your cutest voice.
...Schni Schna Schnappi Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp Schni Schna Schnappi Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp...
My cousin's wife, who is a teacher, told me recently that her class of students have been singing a rather annoying (in her opinion) German song. Hahaha!
So, step aside 'Dragostea din tei'maya hee maya ha, Schnappi's in da house!!! Heheheheh!
Schnappi - Das kleine krokodil (Schnappi - The Small Crocodile) is actually a rather simple and VERY catchy children's song. The first time I heard the song was from the local TV, in an advertisement for a compilation CD. In my opinion, it's nice to hear it sometimes, but not when you get a class of kids going on and on with the chorus.
My kids like to 'sing' along with the CD (ok, I bought the CD eventually) even though they know 'nuts' a single word of German. They end up 'echoing' the song. Now, that's VERY IRRITATING!!
Just imagine...
CD Player: Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil. Kids (in punishing unison): KROKODIL!!!