A walk by the river
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恭喜发财! Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Lanterns by the river. It's been like six days since the last entry here and, woah!!! What a busy week it has been! Last minute shopping, marketing and spring cleaning!
How did you spend your holiday? Did you collect a lot of ang bao? For us, it was pretty much a routine, except that this year, we visited the Singapore River Ang Bao (or something like that... don't know lah!).
Lovely Pavillion We reached there on Monday evening after dinner and by that time, it was already packed! As usual, there were quite a lot of lanterns and other 'light-bulbed' artifacts.
Praise and Worship session? While walking around, we saw many people reaching their hands up in the air. Wah lau! I thought some Praise and Worship session going on. Duh! Luckily, it was not. Just some of us Singaporeans reaching out for some luck - sprouting out from the palms of the imposing paper/plastic statue of the God of Fortune. Raise your hands for my
spit gold flakes!
Of course, the evening's trip could not be concluded without some 'celebrity' presence yah!?!? Ok, here's the person we met who is already a 'celebrity' in many sense though he did not personally set out to be one - Venerable Shi Ming Yi (释明义法师) Venerable Shi Ming Yi (CEO, Renci Hospital Medicare Centre)