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Man slicing the outer skins off bread outside bakery I was having duck rice at 琪利 along Paya Lebar Road, when I decided to buy some roti. The bakery is just beside the coffeeshop where 琪利 is. Too bad I did not get the name of the shop.
What I like about the bread here is that it is 'traditionally' baked and prepared - not much automation (think Gardenia/Sunshine). The only machine as far as I can see is the one used to slice the bread. I guess with a big order to fulfill, technology still comes in helpful most of the time! Besides this, most of the preparation of the loaves of bread is manually handled. For example, the hard and crispy outer covering of the freshly baked bread is manually sliced off by means of a long knife.
From my understanding, the bread has to be allowed to cool down for a specific period of time before the outer 'skins' can be sliced off and the 'skins' are sold at a 'per kilogram' cost - though I did not find out exactly how much.
The bread (half-loaf) costs SGD1.10 plain or SGD2.00 if you request for butter, jam, peanut butter, kaya, etc. to be applied to the slices.
Bye bye Bachelorhood for Mr. Han!
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So, it's BYE BYE BACHELORHOOD for Han! Let me count the number of days before Han leaves 'bachelorhood'...hmm...excluding today, which is almost gone already... *gasp!* Five Freaking Days!!! Kekeke!! This is it man, there's no turning back!!!
Many people (women as well) tell me that to get married is like cutting short their years of freedom and enjoyment. It's like cutting short the number of 'zouk-going' years, time at the pubs/clubs, etc. Some men liken the 'experience' to digging their own graves, others accept it as the ultimate loss of their adult life. This is highly debatable and I will not want to go too far into that! (I don't like flame-wars!)
For me, I have come to know that marriage is not just a commitment, but it is the NEXT PHASE in life. The question is whether or not you want to make the leap to that next phase. To a certain extend, I have to agree that marriage does cut into that lifestyle. This is especially so when kids come into the picture.
Whenever someone asks me about married life and how to better understand and accept it, I usually tell them to ask themselves these questions:
- Why did you decide to get married?
Peer pressure, family pressure, just a procedure since you've been together for a long time, etc.
- How much about each other's WANTS and DON'T WANTS do you understand?
e.g. Does he/she know that you do not really like hanging out with the others at the pub, and that you going there in the first place was to get to know her?!?!? Does she like your soccer mates?!? Do you mind his/her spending habits?
- Do you want kids immediately?
If so, then you should have considered the FACT that you will not have EXTRA TIME to go pubbing/clubbing.
- "A family that eats together stays together". How far do you agree with this?
If you don't, then there will be not much time for family bonding and building among the members (you, her, and maybe your children). No, shopping with mummy on Saturday hardly gives time for that sort of things.
In attempting to answer these questions, I hope that they will better understand their choice of marriage, and in turn be in a better state of mind when handling the little nits and bits that married life brings.
If you are wondering, NO, I am not a shrink and I am not even a marriage consultant. I am just someone who has spent too much time wondering. These thoughts may not be agreeable by all but I do not intend to get into a serious debate over what's right or wrong with this post.
Last but not least,CONGRATULATIONS TO MR AND MRS. HAN!! May you lead an enjoyable life after marriage, and may the patter of little feet soon sound in the house!
Whore my stuff
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Sorry if you have received multiple email updates for this post. Somehow, my Greasemonkey scripts got screwed and totally messed up the post date details.
No, I haven't run out of topics to post - YET! It's just that since we areI am still on the topic of photography, and the nonsense that I shoot, I might as well put up one post dedicated to these "rubbish"! The pictures date way back to 2003 when I was still using my Fujifilm FP4800Z (if I remember the model correctly) digital camera.
So, here it goes!
Pot-bellied pigs not bothered by me. At the zoo: I take the kids to the zoo frequently. Up till the early half of this year, we are still members of the Friends of the Zoo (FOZ) club. We used to visit the zoo at a minimum of four times a year! I.R. Baboon Naturally, the kids are thrilled to see the animals going about their daily, monotonous routines. It wasn't long before I discovered the interesting looks of the animals in the zoo. Actually, monkeys and baboons make interesting subjects. The are usually curious of the camera man too!
Flying UFOs Mural? At Chinatown: My 'exploits' do not end in the zoo. During the pre-Chinese New Year period, I will also get a lot of opportunities to go shutter-trigger-happy.
Most years, we will make a 'pilgrimage' trip to Chinatown to get (or not) some stuff for the festive season. This includes some decorations and seasonal cakes/pastries/puffs/etc. These are all opportunities that I will not miss!
Love Potion? Poser! Not forgetting the religious side In the house: Whenever the kids give me the slip, I will 'focus' on other items instead for shoots. I like figurines a lot as they are usually highly posable! Best of all, no complaints and moans!
These guys just stay there the whole time and all you got to do is just take pictures! :) Btw, some of my friends told me that the alter picture looks eerie. Does it really?
Sweating Cans in Bangkok Overseas: Of course, we should always take out talents overseas! Yah, I don't even let off the rooftops of temples in Bangkok! Haha! Rooftops!?!?
On the last trip to Bangkok, I had a good time shooting in Chatuchak Weekend market as well as the many temples around the city. The people of Thailand were generally friendly and comes across as easy victimssubjects. Train Station
However, I am still not too confident of street-shooting. Guess I will have to spend more time on this 'skill'... hahah! Poor innocent people!!!
Ok lah, enough bitching and whoring already! Time to stop this post here before I kena complain! Heheh!
Photography victim (sort of)
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Valerie: *curses!* *curses!* *curses!* I always get interestingstupid ideas when it comes to photography.
For example, shooting Milo tin cans, water taps, my toes, hairs on my leg (Yew!!!), old flats, etc. all these done late at night or at funny times and occasions. Sometimes, I will get even Valerie and/or Lucas to get into funnystupid poses, or cam-whore my 'out-dated' mobile phone. People get hunger pangs, I get photo-pangs. Hurhurhur!!!
Therefore, I always say, "If a parent is crazy, suffer the children!"
Sitex 2005
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We vistied Sitex 2005 at the Singapore Expo today. The guys were there to check out the latest prices and promotions on cameras (disappointment!) and Internet access packages.
The Mac Mini beckons... For me, I was just tagging along. Not planning to spend moolah on any item right now. Anyway, the exhibits there were pretty disappointing on the whole.
Not much SPECIAL promotions/packages that were going on. The sales people were not showing much interest in entertaining customers too! Maybe it is because this is a weekday, but, we had to take a while to find parking for the car! There was definitely a crowd there! Hmm...
I was checking out the Mac Mini as a possible setup for Valerie's room and was introduced to the Power Mac G5 by the sales person (a guy hor!). The whole setup for the Mac Mini 1.42GHz (80GB SuperDrive) option will set me back SGD1230.00 while the *slurp slurp!* Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3GHz will cost me SGD4588.00!! Power Mac G5 Seduction...
Now that's one big chunk of mooooolahhhh!! Haha! I doubt I will be able to afford that sort of 'toy' right now! Haha!
Returned to the office with some brochures and a mind full of images of the Power Mac G5. *slurp!*
Oh... 5 of us went and only Eddie bought something. Haha!
Buggity Bug!
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Like the mosquito bite in the middle of my foot. Like a monkey climbing up behind and on my back. Like a fly buzzing around my face. Like a splinter stuck in my palm. Like the stray strand of hair in my nostril. Like the smell of bleach on my hands. Like the pain on my cheeks from an infected wisdom tooth. Like the shit stuck to the bottom of my sandals.
Get the fuck out of my face! You dickhead!! Asshole! Moron! Low-down, creepy, kaypoh! Nabeh! KNNBCCB!!!
To My Friends, This is DEFINITELY NOT referring to you, you, you or YOU!
Just some other asshole I am having problems with. If you will excuse me, please! :-)
5 Commandments for Bloggers
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A good read for bloggers provided by Asst. Prof Warren B Chik (Singapore Management University). The article (titled, "Bloggers Beware: The Five Commandments for Bloggers") provides information on what people should be looking out for when posting their comments and thoughts online.
Excerpt:Most personal users have some vague idea of the netiquettes involved, but it is clear that a majority are unaware or unconcerned with the possible legalities which might be involved in what they are doing. This is because individual internet users are perhaps emboldened by what appears to be less legal and regulatory control and enforcement of online activities. They are also perhaps more uninhibited due to a sense of anonymity, such as through the use of pseudonyms and false identities. This has led to increased risk-taking in the forms of unadulterated speech and expression that are appearing in blogs and other online fora. However, recent events have shown that real world consequences still follow words or actions taken in cyberspace. It is therefore useful to spend a little time considering the various legal implications which may arise from blogging so that one can be aware and take care in starting and maintaining a blog, and avoid any nasty surprises along the way. Many of these legal issues are not new and are already applicable to any medium, traditional or electronic, which allows public access. Read it up. These are just basic legal questions but knowing them will do you a lot of good. :)
School Holidays are here again!
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Monday at the office - quiet and moody. The roads were quieter this morning. There were lesser cars on the roads this morning. The buses were not as packed as they usually are. It's the school holidays again! The kids are off the roads and the working parents are not all rushing out early in the morning to send their kids to school. So, the traffic conditions were very much better.
I drank some coffee this morning and I think the Coffee-mate made me nauseous all the way from home to office. I guess my Nescafe Gold Blend tasted better without it.
Bloody tied up this week as it is Term Test Week! I am taking my Oracle paper this term and I have yet to finish my term assignment and revision! The test's on this Thursday! Oh fuck!!
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*sniffles* *sniffles* I'm down with flu. Fuck!
Drugged and drowsy, I dragged myself to work today. Another shitty day made worse by the drowsiness that my medication brings. Anyway, the end of the year is almost here and I would like to draw up a to(do/buy) list of stuffs that require my attention.
Checklist for Decemberthe rest of this year:
Janet's Birthday!! Completed!
Complete Oracle subject assignment!Completed!
Term tests and examinations.Completed!
- Lucas' Birthday!
Yi Na's Birthday Completed!
Alvin's Birthday Completed!
Chu Tuang's BirthdayCompleted!
Mum's BirthdayCompleted!
Watch Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire. I am not getting my hopes high on this one, especially after reading Xiaxue's comments. (Note: Spoilers there!)Cancelled!
Camping trip at either Sentosa, Pulau Ubin, or East Coast Park. Preparing the kids for Mount Ophir camping trip in 2006.Completed! (See here)
Moving for Janet's aunt.Completed!
Attend Han's wedding.Completed!
Attend Cousin's wedding.Completed!
- Buy new uniforms for the kids.
- Paint Valerie's and Lucas' rooms.
- New Year Shopping
- Visit Yann Arthurs-Bertrand's exhibition at Orchard.
There you go! A whole list of items that will definitely fill up the whole school holiday! Heheh! And not forgetting, of course, the amount of money that will be used up in the process of getting around to do them! Jeez!!!
Up your bloody ass, upskirters!
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Girls nowadays are not frail and helpless. They fight for their rights and earn their keep in the corporate world. They make sure that they get their voices heard on issues that were once 'men-only' territory, and even in the government! To add one to the growing list - they WILL NOT just stand there and let their modesty be violated!
That's right! Stephy Chua is a good example when she punched a dirty-old-man in the stomach (should have kicked him in the balls as well!) after she caught him taking upskirt pictures of her. Way to go girl!!! Woohoo! Now that should serve as a warning to all DOM and others as well, who have this 'hobby'.
Stephy's encounter reminded me of the many dirty old men I see around People's Park area in the afternoon. When my office was still located in Raffles Place, I used to roam to Chinatown for lunch with a group of my colleagues. Walking around the PPC area, you will see men in groups of threes or fours sitting and ogling the office ladies, PRCs, actually, any girl that walks past. Haha, must have been quite an experience for any lady walking there in spahetti strapped tops, tubes, and other sexy clothing.
Stephy's taken down her post of this incident for some reasons... link is not working now.
Spotted something funny on the papers?
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Add one more to the increasing number of editorial mistakes that I see on the papers nowadays. The ST is getting more and more 'interesting' to read. Everytime I open the papers, it's like a treasure hunt. The hunt for more mistakes. Hurhurhur!
Excerpt from mb's postLittle known fact about Singapore: Raffles introduced Ice Mountain mineral water to the island of Temasek.
Photo was for a news report on an upcoming documentary about Singapore, "Bold new show on S'pore's History" (Straits Times, Sat, 12 Nov 05). Click on the image to see enlarged version.
Also read this article mentioning the government sponsorship of a multi-million dollar documentary on Singapore's history, by SingaporeRebel.
The cup runneth over!
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And the cup is mine! (For 15 seconds) Victory is sweet - indeed!
I have won the World Cup!! Erm, or so it seems...hurhur! Got the chance to hold the replica of the cup during Tuesday's staff meeting. That thing is darn heavy man! Surprised that it weighed so, considering that it is a replica.
Thanks to Marc for taking the picture for me! :-)
Oh... and do forgive the worn-out 'old man' look I have! heheh! Hmm... time for a hair cupcut!
Boys and the World Cup
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Last night, we had the quarterly (is it?!?) staff meeting. As our parent company is one of the supporters and technology enablers of the FIFA World Cup 2006 event, we had the chance to come up close and 'very' personal with the World Cup trophy (a replica, but feels awesome AND heavy nonetheless!). Of course, I did not pass up a chance to get a picture taken with it! Now, if Marc would be so kind as to send me the picture...
If you haven't noticed already, the World Cup will be held in Germany. Going through the presentation slides, we were shown the pictures and some interesting information of one of the match locations - the Allianz Arena. It is an interesting location which was nicely designed - not only because Allianz used to be my parent company, but because it really is nice. Honestly!!
   The Allianz Arena lighted up in Blue, White and Red colours.
(See more official pictures here.)
A Weekend at Sentosa
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The family spent a nice, and somewhat semi-wet, weekend at Sentosa - courtesy of Lisa. I will not touch too much on the accommodation part but all I can say is that it was a little *ahem* cramped for some pretty obvious reasons. Little Chu Hui, who has been looking forward to this trip, was happy to be away with us. We arrived on Friday evening and spent a rather 'peaceful' evening in the hotel room, with the others busy pampering the kids with attention and loads of TLC. The kids were the main and only 'attraction' for the whole group that night.
Brave Valerie ascending the ladder. Saturday morning saw a lazy sun rising a little unwillingly. We woke up at around six in the morning and left for a stroll on the beach by about seven. I saw with dismay some dark clouds threathening to wet the day. It did rain but luckily the weather cleared up enough for the kids to go have some fun in the pool.
After the swim and cleaning up, I suggested going down to Delifrance for a sandwich. Lisa, Janet and I went down first. Valerie, Lucas and Wendy joined a while later, after mummy decided that it was a stupid idea to while away the time in the hotel room. Hahah! She watches how it's done. So, very unwillingly, the kids were called downstairs to meet us. After our chomp, we proceeded to the beach for a walk.
From the TV programmes, we remembered that there is a trapeze setup where people can get a chance for a swing for a price. It turned out to cost only SGD5.00 for one swing and a special price of SGD12.00 for a 'package' of 3 swings. Valerie, being the adventurous girl she is, opted for the triple swing. After paying for the tickets, it's off to the act!!! Getting strapped up. Safety first! Before you are allowed to proceed to the actual swing, you will have to go take a practice swing to learn how you should hook your legs on the swing bar. Then, it's off to the real thing!
Climbing up a ladder the height of about 5 storeys high, you will reach a platform where you will perform your 'stunt'. The person in charge will strap you in securely and get your ready for the swing by giving you a few other safety instructions. When all has been said and done, it's time for the swing.
As Valerie was still a kid, she could not reach out enough to hold on to the swing bars. So, the lady had to hoist her up and get her to hold on to the bar before giving her a light push on the bum to swing her off. And she succeeds!
The main idea is to swing out, raise both your legs, hook them to the bar, release your hands and support yourself with your bent legs. Simple! (Or so it seems!) We are proud of Valerie as she succeeded in all 3 swings to complete her stunts. On her last swing, the person in charge was so confident of Valerie that she tried something different with her 'release' from the bar after the stunt. She got Valerie to just straighten both her legs and drop head-first to the safety nets. Woah! That sure looked like fun!
Look ma, no hands! We left the island at about six in the evening and had McDonald's over at HarbourFront.
On our next visit to Sentosa, we have already planned to come equipped with fishing nets (mini ones lah!) and containers. We intend to fish in the waters at Siloso beach. Just for fun lah! We might just end up letting the fishes go free leh! Haha!
Around the Neighbourhood
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View from the canal Took a walk around the neighbourhood with Valerie yesterday evening. The weather was cool and there was not much sun. This was both good and bad. Good because it was not too hot to enjoy a nice walk around the estate where we live. Bad because the lack of sun meant that pictures taken will not be nice.
Valerie was enjoying herself so much she floated! Anyway, we went to the river (Sungei Punggol) and had a good time exploring it and the areas where it intersects with a canal. The tide was low and we managed to take some pictures in the canal itself rather safely.
One of the water 'cascades' There are a few 'cascades' where the canal intersects the river. These provide a break from the otherwise monotonous look of the canal. Some people prefer calling these 'mere features of a longkang'. While making our way through the bushes and shrubs (to get down to the canal), we noticed many bicycles.
Many people come to this river to fish. They have to make their way, just like us, through the bushes and shrubs in order to get down to the river. I will definitely encourage anyone who has any intentions of coming here, to come with at least a companion. Not safe to venture here alone. Especially for the girls!
Valerie and I have decided that the next time we come, we will get Mummy and Lucas around. This time, we will also come prepared with bottles and nets to catch some longkang fish!
Happy Birthday Nephy!
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To my brother Eugene! Happy Birthday Bro! May all items in your wishlist come true!
Of the Mosquitoes and the Bees
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Bees are afraid of mosquitoes. This is because bees get poked first in a mosqui-bee confrontation.
According to the observation made, mosquitoes have their 'pokies' right in front of their heads and thus will be able to poke the bees before they even have time to turn their asses around to start stinging them! This observation was made by my son this morning on the way to school...haha! Now, if he could just channel some of these to his efforts in studies, that would be wonderful!