Bye bye Bachelorhood for Mr. Han!
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So, it's BYE BYE BACHELORHOOD for Han! Let me count the number of days before Han leaves 'bachelorhood'...hmm...excluding today, which is almost gone already... *gasp!* Five Freaking Days!!! Kekeke!! This is it man, there's no turning back!!!
Many people (women as well) tell me that to get married is like cutting short their years of freedom and enjoyment. It's like cutting short the number of 'zouk-going' years, time at the pubs/clubs, etc. Some men liken the 'experience' to digging their own graves, others accept it as the ultimate loss of their adult life. This is highly debatable and I will not want to go too far into that! (I don't like flame-wars!)
For me, I have come to know that marriage is not just a commitment, but it is the NEXT PHASE in life. The question is whether or not you want to make the leap to that next phase. To a certain extend, I have to agree that marriage does cut into that lifestyle. This is especially so when kids come into the picture.
Whenever someone asks me about married life and how to better understand and accept it, I usually tell them to ask themselves these questions:
- Why did you decide to get married?
Peer pressure, family pressure, just a procedure since you've been together for a long time, etc.
- How much about each other's WANTS and DON'T WANTS do you understand?
e.g. Does he/she know that you do not really like hanging out with the others at the pub, and that you going there in the first place was to get to know her?!?!? Does she like your soccer mates?!? Do you mind his/her spending habits?
- Do you want kids immediately?
If so, then you should have considered the FACT that you will not have EXTRA TIME to go pubbing/clubbing.
- "A family that eats together stays together". How far do you agree with this?
If you don't, then there will be not much time for family bonding and building among the members (you, her, and maybe your children). No, shopping with mummy on Saturday hardly gives time for that sort of things.
In attempting to answer these questions, I hope that they will better understand their choice of marriage, and in turn be in a better state of mind when handling the little nits and bits that married life brings.
If you are wondering, NO, I am not a shrink and I am not even a marriage consultant. I am just someone who has spent too much time wondering. These thoughts may not be agreeable by all but I do not intend to get into a serious debate over what's right or wrong with this post.
Last but not least,CONGRATULATIONS TO MR AND MRS. HAN!! May you lead an enjoyable life after marriage, and may the patter of little feet soon sound in the house!