Up your bloody ass, upskirters!
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Girls nowadays are not frail and helpless. They fight for their rights and earn their keep in the corporate world. They make sure that they get their voices heard on issues that were once 'men-only' territory, and even in the government! To add one to the growing list - they WILL NOT just stand there and let their modesty be violated!
That's right! Stephy Chua is a good example when she punched a dirty-old-man in the stomach (should have kicked him in the balls as well!) after she caught him taking upskirt pictures of her. Way to go girl!!! Woohoo! Now that should serve as a warning to all DOM and others as well, who have this 'hobby'.
Stephy's encounter reminded me of the many dirty old men I see around People's Park area in the afternoon. When my office was still located in Raffles Place, I used to roam to Chinatown for lunch with a group of my colleagues. Walking around the PPC area, you will see men in groups of threes or fours sitting and ogling the office ladies, PRCs, actually, any girl that walks past. Haha, must have been quite an experience for any lady walking there in spahetti strapped tops, tubes, and other sexy clothing.
Stephy's taken down her post of this incident for some reasons... link is not working now.