Camping at East Coast Park
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The camp site The family stayed overnight at East Coast Park (near Bedok Jetty) on Saturday. It was a very interesting experience for the kids who have never stayed overnight outdoors before. KH brought along two tents, one for our family and one for his. Camp was set up amongst some Casuarina trees and Lucas was very concerned about the 'pokey-pokey' ground... haha! He refused to walk around barefooted because of the dried and hard fruits of the Casuarina tree!
After pitching the tents, the kids enjoyed themselves playing on the beach. Janet and I spent the time catching crabs on the breakwater and attempting to catch (with no luck at all) mud skippers!
The afternoon thunderstorm came as a surprise after the hot weather all morning. We were caught by the downpour but luckily our bags were already safe in the shelter of the tents.
Dinner was taken at the nearby food centre. There was a street-performer singing his heart out and really taking away our appetite at the same time. The loomy sky continued to 'threaten' our stay but luckily the sky cleared at around 2 a.m., and the moon can finally be seen...
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