Around the Neighbourhood
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View from the canal Took a walk around the neighbourhood with Valerie yesterday evening. The weather was cool and there was not much sun. This was both good and bad. Good because it was not too hot to enjoy a nice walk around the estate where we live. Bad because the lack of sun meant that pictures taken will not be nice.
Valerie was enjoying herself so much she floated! Anyway, we went to the river (Sungei Punggol) and had a good time exploring it and the areas where it intersects with a canal. The tide was low and we managed to take some pictures in the canal itself rather safely.
One of the water 'cascades' There are a few 'cascades' where the canal intersects the river. These provide a break from the otherwise monotonous look of the canal. Some people prefer calling these 'mere features of a longkang'. While making our way through the bushes and shrubs (to get down to the canal), we noticed many bicycles.
Many people come to this river to fish. They have to make their way, just like us, through the bushes and shrubs in order to get down to the river. I will definitely encourage anyone who has any intentions of coming here, to come with at least a companion. Not safe to venture here alone. Especially for the girls!
Valerie and I have decided that the next time we come, we will get Mummy and Lucas around. This time, we will also come prepared with bottles and nets to catch some longkang fish!