Curse of the Golden Flower
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Jay with ultra cool polearm. I want to watch Curse of the Golden Flower <<滿城盡帶黃金甲>>.
A new movie from director Zhang Yimou, it stars Gong Li and Chow Yun Fatt. Jay Chou plays a role in this movie as well, and that's one of the reasons why I am watching it - just to see if his acting skills have improved since Initial D.
However, Jay's not the only reason to watch this movie. The set and costumes seem pretty good too. The overkill load of gold and yellow is really impressive! I believe it will be a good movie for me to watch, irregardless of the storyline.
By the way, did I mention that Jay's polearm is simply cool?!? Damn! I wish I had one like that in MapleStory... blood and goo from all my kills...hahah!
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