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 From Iceland!? Wow! :)
Psst! Please pardon my suahku-ness!
Oh, and to all visitors (new/returning) to this blog, "WELCOME! DO VISIT AGAIN!"
Template update complete
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I have completed (finally) the template/blogskin change for this blog!
Well, it took one day (factor in the time taken to ZZZZZ coz I was sick like shit) and I feel that it was worth it! Haha! The old template was starting to get kinda too blue for my liking!!
Please feel free to send me your thoughts, comments, fucks, ideas, whatnots, etc. on the new template! You can leave these comments at the comments section for this post!
A little about the new template: #1. I DID NOT copy this template from any where! This is purely my own work/creation/idea! You are free to use it (if you really want to), but please place an indication CLEARLY on your site stating the template's rightful creator.
E.g. Template created by Moses Ang (petaflopz@gmail.com).
#2. It is a pretty simple template. Minimalistic in principle, but with a dash or two of colours and essential light-me-ups (e.g. the title image which I took while taking a walk down Chinatown during the Chinese New Year season).
#3. Most of the old links are still there except: - Haloscan... I heard they were going to start charging soon, so the TRACKBACK function has been disabled. - Google Adsense... Funny behaviour when placed in new template. It seems to be conflicting with my Flickr badge. - Site Meter... The site meter counter has been 'hidden' from view! Yes, but if you are sharp enough, you can still locate it somewhere on the page! Hehehe!
#4. Now, the layout will cover the sidebar even though the post is a very short one. With the previous template, which was using <DIV> to position the segments, if you have a very short post and you are viewing the post's PERMALINK url, the items on the sidebar will overflow the 'background'. Thus making it seem messy. The lazy me has decided to employ the use of <TABLE>s to solve this problem. A little 'traditional' but it works and I do not have to go trouble shoot the <DIV> sections! Ha!
Template Update
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This blog is currently undergoing major template redesign. You can expect to see the completed one by end of the day.
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Today, the guys over at headoffice requested for softcopies of our photographs to make us new company passes.
I had my digital camera around and so, offered to take the photographs for the guys. (Yes, my office's a man-hole and nope, this does not earn me promotion points.)
That Woman Formula
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Received this from Kenny the other day… heard this long time back but have been quite a while since I heard someone mention this again.
Disclaimer: The owner of this Blog would like to state, for the record, that he is not a homosexual, prejudiced, male-chauvinistic and unfeeling man-pig, who looks down on, disrespects, or insults the female sex. I love my wife an awful big lot!
And so, the formula in this picture says/proves/attempts to prove, the long-argued phrase that women are problems.
Well, some people are just so damn fucking free to think of such a ‘formula’!
Ladies (or guys) who are reading this - Do you have a similar version of this ‘formula’ for men? If so, please send it to me and I will put it here! Haha! Let’s relax a little lah!
Note: No men or women were hurt in the process of posting this Blog post, and I hope no arguments were started because of this too!
Random mind bits: When it is time to go poo, please go, don’t stand around and fucking fart like there’s no tomorrow. Fart stinks. I hate fart (except my own) and I will not hesitate to shove that cockcork right up your ass to stop you from farting. No, I am not homo, just fucking pissed off.
It is not yours to rip anymore!
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Something I learnt today:
That you can no longer put the phrase "Now playing in the IPOD, "blah,blah,blah"...This MP3 track is legal shit as I have purchased and own the CD." on your blog site to tell of what's playing in your IPOD coz it's illegal!
Purchasing the CD DOES NOT give you the rights to RIP the tracks on it.
This is just SOOOOOOOOO fucked up! Talk about fucking FAIR USE! Shit!
Edit: - Mr Brown has something to say about this too.
Eat with family day
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It is eat with family day today. This means that we get off work earlier (@1700hrs) to go home to have dinner with our families. Our company very in line with gahmen policies leh! Hur hur!
It so happens that our email system also decided to take a break for the whole morning! Hehehe! No emails means can not work. Much of our stuff are related to work and communications via the email channel. Without it, we are very much crippled.
Well, just heard from CTM (our network guy) that the connection's up and probably email services will be up soon. But till now, my Outlook's showing me a connection failure message still. Ha!
So, it's back to blogging and moments of relaxing while trying to unwind from exam stress...duh.
UPDATE: At 1234hrs the damn messaging system is up again. Fuck it!Hooray...
Mugging for Exam
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What happens when you have too much work, too little time, and still got to sit for an exam?
You MUG! Haha!
Yes, I am mugging/cramming/stuffing my brains right now to prepare for this evening's Oracle paper.
Post another this evening... chill! :)
Lunch at a 'Sleazy' Place
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Met up with Han today for lunch. Lunch was great, food was delicious, the location was 'sleazy'. SLEAZY!?!?!? What sleazy? Hehhehe!
In case you are wondering, we were over at 'Beer Garden' (Clifford Pier) for a good meal of chicken rice and mixed organs soup. Now what is so sleazy about this place then... we are there in the afternoon, when the pinoys and performers are not around. Besides, we were there for different 'meat'! Kekeke! Nevermind the location! Just mind the food! Yummy!
So, bottomline is, the place is not SLEAZY, it is only CHEESY, with all the posters, pictures and other barang barangs of the night activities taking place there.
*Burp* Wah... feeling too full and sleepy liao. WTF! Still got to work and maybe find some time to study for exams tomorrow leh! :(
Benglish Translator for your Brog!
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Now available at kennysia.com. Simply hilarious, totally fun, and DEFINITELY the MUST-HAVE for every Ah Beng Blog Surfer! Hahahah!
Direct link here.
See what it did to my 9th anniversary post:... Looking back, wa lang realized that we've come a long way. From getting married, to having our girl, bringing that siao ginah up, sending that siao ginah to tak chek, having our second child, sending the lan jiao face to tak chek too, buying a flat and moving out to live on our own... it's been a long budden hor, choo bi road. ... A shortcut to the Benglish translation of my blog is available here.
This one is good Kenny!
80s Cartoons
Surfing By : Link
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If you were born somewhere in the 1970s, you would probably have an impression of the cartoons during the 1980s.
The other day, while taking a breather from exam cram, I sneaked a peak (or two) at the kids channel. I noticed some of the cartoons from my childhood are back on the screens, entertaining the kids of this generation!
Here are some of my favourites from that time (in no particular order, and not necessarily showing now!).
1. Transformers (See tfarchive.com for more)
This is definitely my favourite among the many robot-cartoons available!
Autobots are the good guys and Decepticons were the baddies. Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots who are waging a battle against the Decepticons who are out to create trouble. Although Megatron is the leader of the pack for the bad guys, my favourite baddie was Starscream. Mainly because of its close resemblance to a fighter jet. Heheeh!
2. Starcom
Now, who would have known (at that time) that space men can hang around effortlessly outside their spacecrafts in mid-space and still stick on to their crafts? Starcom 'educated' me to the idea/fact that this can be done with magnetized boots that are strong enough to do just that! Oh yah, Emperor Dark is the bad guy here.
Media: Theme Tune | Ending Tune | Intro video
3. Bravestarr
Westernized cartoon about a planet called New Texas (duh!) and this cheesy looking sheriff (some red-indian origins) with his eaqually cheesy looking sidekick who packs quite a kick... yes, it's a horse, a talking horse called Dirty DirtyThirty/Thirty. Slinging guns is his favourite pastime! :) Tex Hex is the baddie with a gagging-skeletal looking face. How to win? Ha!
Media: Theme Tune
4. He-Man
And who would forget the alpha-male! Kekeke! He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (probably one of the longest cartoon names I have read during that time) safeguard Eternia against bai kut taoSkeletor and company.
He-Man runs around only in his furry undies and come to think of it, I don't remember seeing much (if any at all) armpit hair on him...kekeke!
Media: Theme Tune
5. Mask (NO! Not Jim Carrey's!)
Matt Trakker leads a group of friends to fight against the baddie organization (org wor! stylo mylo!) VENOM. Leader of the bad guy is a fatty Arse who does not look one bit like he can fight.
Oh... and they wear their masks during 'missions' to hide their identities (they still have that day job leh!) and at the same time, these also provide special powers. Wah! High-tech gadgets.
Media: Theme Tune | Intro Video
6. The REAL Ghostbusters
"...something strange, in the neighbourhood... who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!"
My favourite character here is Egon Spencer. Ultimate nerd!
Media: Theme Tune | Intro Video
7. Visionaries
These guys can change into holografic creatures that kick ass!
These guys had fantastic spell incantations that will change them into the hologram images that are in front of their chest armour plate... now if I could only get my hands on one of them... :p
Media: Theme Tune | Intro Video
8. Teenage Mutant Ninja/Hero Turtles
Master Splinter and his band of green hangku wage battle against the evil Shredder and Krang!
April O'Neill is the not-chio chio bu in this cartoon. She messes up frequently, being the kaypoh reporter she is.
Edit: This cartoon was renamed in the UK to 'Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles' as the censors there felt 'NINJA' was a tad bit too violent. (??? WTF!) Kudos to LcT for the heads up! :)
Media: Theme Tune
The media links and images of the cartoon shows above were taken from the friendly site, www.80scartoons.co.uk.
That's it for now... I did not say I will go to #10 right? Heheeh! Well, actually, there are much more cartoons from that age like; - Silverhawks - The Smurfs - Macross - Alvin and the Chipmunks - ...
It's just that I am too lazy to list them here. WTF!
For more information on these cartoons, you may want to google for it with the keywords 80s cartoons.
Hope this post brings back some fond memories for you! :)
EDIT: Ok just some more... :)
9. Robotech
Humans vs. Aliens. Fight till luan, nice space crafts and out of this world hairdos. The original was in Japanese (Japanese animation mah!) and the dubbing in English sucks!
Media: Theme Tune | Intro Video
10. Teddy Ruxpin
Teddy Ruxpin (a teddy) searches for the Treasure of Grundo. In order to be successful, they must collect 7 crystals.
Media: Theme Tune
11. Care Bears Now, let me make this clear, I don't like this cartoon!
But somehow, it got stuck in my mind all these years... always scenes of those bloodycutey bears thrusting their stomachs out and shooting rays out of their chests! How bizarre!
Media: Theme Tune
12. Captain Planet
Captain Planet is the sick-coloured dude who goes around promoting the preservation of nature. Together with some kids (5 of them?) they fight the pollutantsbaddies with power provided by their rings!
Media: Theme Tune
I guess that's about enough for me! :) too tired liao lah! If you have more, please leave the details in the comments section for others to see! :-)
Note: The CSS is really bitchy here with the <BLOCKQUOTE> tags. Images in this block might not show up in MSIE. Seems ok in Firefox though, WTF.
The Whole Nine Years
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On Wednesday, 10th August 2005, we celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary.
The big 9.
Janet and I still find it hard to believe that the nine years passed by so quickly. My, oh my, how time really FLIES!
Looking back, we realized that we've come a long way. From getting married, to having our girl, bringing her up, sending her to school, having our second child, sending him to school too, buying a flat and moving out to live on our own... it's been a long but interesting road.
We wonder how many more nine years we can still have. Though it's been so long (or short, if you prefer), we still feel as though we were newly weds. Sometimes, it was just like those days when we were dating, we would still bicker (playfully) with each other and at times, totally forget that we are already married with kids!
I really hope that we will have many many more 'nine years' ahead!
Song: Best Of You
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Best of You Foo FightersI’ve got another confession to make I’m your fool Everyone’s got their chains to break Holdin’ you
Were you born to resist or be abused? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Are you gone and onto someone new? I needed somewhere to hang my head Without your noose You gave me something that I didn’t have But had no use I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose My heart is under arrest again But I break loose My head is giving me life or death But I can’t choose I swear I’ll never give in I refuse
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Has someone taken your faith? Its real, the pain you feel Your trust, you must Confess
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Oh...
Has someone taken your faith? Its real, the pain you feel The life, the love You die to heal The hope that starts The broken hearts Your trust, you must Confess
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
I’ve got another confession my friend I’m no fool I’m getting tired of starting again Somewhere new
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I’ll never give in I refuse
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Has someone taken your faith? Its real, the pain you feel Your trust, you must Confess Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Oh... Just got this track off Soundbuzz. Did I mention it RAWKS! BTW, this one got license one ok!?!
Office Move
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Finally, the move date has been fixed (or has it not?) to 17 September 2005. Seems like after 5 years, I am finally leaving the CBD to the suburban industrial estate town of Paya Lebar.
A little reluctant to leave town area but the new place IS nearer to home. What to do, company shift so do you. If not what, you find me a new job downtown?
Edit: I have now till 17 September to meet my friends for lunch... so, Han, lunch sometime soon? Wendy? Kekeke!
Free dental check-ups if you vote me!
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It rainedbloody hell poured this afternoon. Fucking lousy day.
Went to have some digital photos printed at my favourite lab today during lunch. Wow! It was super express service! When I got the printouts, they were still warm!!! Thanks Lily!
Read from the news that the Singapore Presidential Election will be held on 27 August 2005. Hmm… wonder if I have the chance to actually VOTE this time! My constituency always has walk-overs and the last time there was one Presidential Election, it was a walk-over too… haven’t had a chance to place my vote yet!
Also from the news today, seems like there will be free dental check-ups available all over Singapore this August! Best part is that the expensive-like-fuck dental clinic that I go to is included in the list as well! Now, I am going to book the FREE check-up session and suan that dentist up real good… of course, the best is I don’t have to pay!! Hur hur!
Now, is there any link between these two things happening in August?
Technorati tags : election | healthcare
this blog can be fox-viewed
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Singaporean weather sucks – big time. Rain, humidity, haze, aargghh…WTF!
Noticed that quite a handful of friends are accessing this blog via Firefox. Therefore, I have decided to do something to make this site a little more Firefox-friendly (ok, only to a certain usable extend). Still some random CSS positioning issues (1-2 pixels positioning problems niah) that I am too lazy to fix.
For the record, I am not a blind-as-fuck-bow-my-head-IE-shit-pusher for Microsoft when I posted this. Yes, I have been an IE user since the days of IE3.0 and have remained one due to the fact that my work requires so. But, to be fair, IE does have it's points of redemption. For example, it is always accepted that the page failed because you tried to load it in IE and no one disputes that! This is good for web developers like me, who try to smoke their users when things don't work... hehehe! :)
People tend to easily believe you when you say that it is an IE bug. Strange, but true. Hur hur!
This one true good thing about IE is that although people complain about its loading speed, its inadequate CSS/HTML/XML/etc. support, IE still holds firm when it comes to basics. Many websites are still coded with IE users in mind, due to the immense volume of users around.
So, I would say, it does not harm to have the latest version of IE hanging around your system and use that other IN browser to do your browsing! You never know when it might come in handy!
Technorati tags : firefox | browsers
CBox removed... for now
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Removed the CBox chatbox function as the Blogspot comments system seems to be neglected. Please leave your messages at the comments section of individual posts.
Internet Explorer 7.0 Beta Available for Testing
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The beta version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser is now available for developer testing at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/IE/ie7/default.mspx.
Excerpt:The first stage of the beta process for Internet Explorer 7 has begun—developer testing! The latest version of the world’s most popular Web browser has been released for technical evaluation, feedback, and testing by software and Web site developers. The Team IE Blog is available here and via RSS here.
Technorati tags : internet explorer | microsoft