The Whole Nine Years
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On Wednesday, 10th August 2005, we celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary.
The big 9.
Janet and I still find it hard to believe that the nine years passed by so quickly. My, oh my, how time really FLIES!
Looking back, we realized that we've come a long way. From getting married, to having our girl, bringing her up, sending her to school, having our second child, sending him to school too, buying a flat and moving out to live on our own... it's been a long but interesting road.
We wonder how many more nine years we can still have. Though it's been so long (or short, if you prefer), we still feel as though we were newly weds. Sometimes, it was just like those days when we were dating, we would still bicker (playfully) with each other and at times, totally forget that we are already married with kids!
I really hope that we will have many many more 'nine years' ahead!