Template update complete
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I have completed (finally) the template/blogskin change for this blog!
Well, it took one day (factor in the time taken to ZZZZZ coz I was sick like shit) and I feel that it was worth it! Haha! The old template was starting to get kinda too blue for my liking!!
Please feel free to send me your thoughts, comments, fucks, ideas, whatnots, etc. on the new template! You can leave these comments at the comments section for this post!
A little about the new template: #1. I DID NOT copy this template from any where! This is purely my own work/creation/idea! You are free to use it (if you really want to), but please place an indication CLEARLY on your site stating the template's rightful creator.
E.g. Template created by Moses Ang (petaflopz@gmail.com).
#2. It is a pretty simple template. Minimalistic in principle, but with a dash or two of colours and essential light-me-ups (e.g. the title image which I took while taking a walk down Chinatown during the Chinese New Year season).
#3. Most of the old links are still there except: - Haloscan... I heard they were going to start charging soon, so the TRACKBACK function has been disabled. - Google Adsense... Funny behaviour when placed in new template. It seems to be conflicting with my Flickr badge. - Site Meter... The site meter counter has been 'hidden' from view! Yes, but if you are sharp enough, you can still locate it somewhere on the page! Hehehe!
#4. Now, the layout will cover the sidebar even though the post is a very short one. With the previous template, which was using <DIV> to position the segments, if you have a very short post and you are viewing the post's PERMALINK url, the items on the sidebar will overflow the 'background'. Thus making it seem messy. The lazy me has decided to employ the use of <TABLE>s to solve this problem. A little 'traditional' but it works and I do not have to go trouble shoot the <DIV> sections! Ha!