this blog can be fox-viewed
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Singaporean weather sucks – big time. Rain, humidity, haze, aargghh…WTF!
Noticed that quite a handful of friends are accessing this blog via Firefox. Therefore, I have decided to do something to make this site a little more Firefox-friendly (ok, only to a certain usable extend). Still some random CSS positioning issues (1-2 pixels positioning problems niah) that I am too lazy to fix.
For the record, I am not a blind-as-fuck-bow-my-head-IE-shit-pusher for Microsoft when I posted this. Yes, I have been an IE user since the days of IE3.0 and have remained one due to the fact that my work requires so. But, to be fair, IE does have it's points of redemption. For example, it is always accepted that the page failed because you tried to load it in IE and no one disputes that! This is good for web developers like me, who try to smoke their users when things don't work... hehehe! :)
People tend to easily believe you when you say that it is an IE bug. Strange, but true. Hur hur!
This one true good thing about IE is that although people complain about its loading speed, its inadequate CSS/HTML/XML/etc. support, IE still holds firm when it comes to basics. Many websites are still coded with IE users in mind, due to the immense volume of users around.
So, I would say, it does not harm to have the latest version of IE hanging around your system and use that other IN browser to do your browsing! You never know when it might come in handy!
Technorati tags : firefox | browsers