80s Cartoons
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If you were born somewhere in the 1970s, you would probably have an impression of the cartoons during the 1980s.
The other day, while taking a breather from exam cram, I sneaked a peak (or two) at the kids channel. I noticed some of the cartoons from my childhood are back on the screens, entertaining the kids of this generation!
Here are some of my favourites from that time (in no particular order, and not necessarily showing now!).
1. Transformers (See tfarchive.com for more)
This is definitely my favourite among the many robot-cartoons available!
Autobots are the good guys and Decepticons were the baddies. Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots who are waging a battle against the Decepticons who are out to create trouble. Although Megatron is the leader of the pack for the bad guys, my favourite baddie was Starscream. Mainly because of its close resemblance to a fighter jet. Heheeh!
2. Starcom
Now, who would have known (at that time) that space men can hang around effortlessly outside their spacecrafts in mid-space and still stick on to their crafts? Starcom 'educated' me to the idea/fact that this can be done with magnetized boots that are strong enough to do just that! Oh yah, Emperor Dark is the bad guy here.
Media: Theme Tune | Ending Tune | Intro video
3. Bravestarr
Westernized cartoon about a planet called New Texas (duh!) and this cheesy looking sheriff (some red-indian origins) with his eaqually cheesy looking sidekick who packs quite a kick... yes, it's a horse, a talking horse called Dirty DirtyThirty/Thirty. Slinging guns is his favourite pastime! :) Tex Hex is the baddie with a gagging-skeletal looking face. How to win? Ha!
Media: Theme Tune
4. He-Man
And who would forget the alpha-male! Kekeke! He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (probably one of the longest cartoon names I have read during that time) safeguard Eternia against bai kut taoSkeletor and company.
He-Man runs around only in his furry undies and come to think of it, I don't remember seeing much (if any at all) armpit hair on him...kekeke!
Media: Theme Tune
5. Mask (NO! Not Jim Carrey's!)
Matt Trakker leads a group of friends to fight against the baddie organization (org wor! stylo mylo!) VENOM. Leader of the bad guy is a fatty Arse who does not look one bit like he can fight.
Oh... and they wear their masks during 'missions' to hide their identities (they still have that day job leh!) and at the same time, these also provide special powers. Wah! High-tech gadgets.
Media: Theme Tune | Intro Video
6. The REAL Ghostbusters
"...something strange, in the neighbourhood... who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!"
My favourite character here is Egon Spencer. Ultimate nerd!
Media: Theme Tune | Intro Video
7. Visionaries
These guys can change into holografic creatures that kick ass!
These guys had fantastic spell incantations that will change them into the hologram images that are in front of their chest armour plate... now if I could only get my hands on one of them... :p
Media: Theme Tune | Intro Video
8. Teenage Mutant Ninja/Hero Turtles
Master Splinter and his band of green hangku wage battle against the evil Shredder and Krang!
April O'Neill is the not-chio chio bu in this cartoon. She messes up frequently, being the kaypoh reporter she is.
Edit: This cartoon was renamed in the UK to 'Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles' as the censors there felt 'NINJA' was a tad bit too violent. (??? WTF!) Kudos to LcT for the heads up! :)
Media: Theme Tune
The media links and images of the cartoon shows above were taken from the friendly site, www.80scartoons.co.uk.
That's it for now... I did not say I will go to #10 right? Heheeh! Well, actually, there are much more cartoons from that age like; - Silverhawks - The Smurfs - Macross - Alvin and the Chipmunks - ...
It's just that I am too lazy to list them here. WTF!
For more information on these cartoons, you may want to google for it with the keywords 80s cartoons.
Hope this post brings back some fond memories for you! :)
EDIT: Ok just some more... :)
9. Robotech
Humans vs. Aliens. Fight till luan, nice space crafts and out of this world hairdos. The original was in Japanese (Japanese animation mah!) and the dubbing in English sucks!
Media: Theme Tune | Intro Video
10. Teddy Ruxpin
Teddy Ruxpin (a teddy) searches for the Treasure of Grundo. In order to be successful, they must collect 7 crystals.
Media: Theme Tune
11. Care Bears Now, let me make this clear, I don't like this cartoon!
But somehow, it got stuck in my mind all these years... always scenes of those bloodycutey bears thrusting their stomachs out and shooting rays out of their chests! How bizarre!
Media: Theme Tune
12. Captain Planet
Captain Planet is the sick-coloured dude who goes around promoting the preservation of nature. Together with some kids (5 of them?) they fight the pollutantsbaddies with power provided by their rings!
Media: Theme Tune
I guess that's about enough for me! :) too tired liao lah! If you have more, please leave the details in the comments section for others to see! :-)
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