The taximan says...
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What do you do on a Friday with work to do but you just don't feel like it?
Go reading interesting blogs that tickle!
Take Mark's blog on his taxi 'adventures' in Singapore for example. It comes across as one that has been quite (very) straight-forward and truthful in recording things that are very real and happening in our everyday (in my case, in-frequent) experience with Singaporean taxi drivers. Hey, many of the things mentioned in his blog not only ang-mohs will come across, even local chinese like me have also experienced them!
Excerpt:Paying By Credit Card. A Taboo.
All taxis in Singapore have two things in common.
1. They accept all major credit cards.
2. All taxi drivers are excellent at avoiding taking payment by credit card.
Here are some of the excuses I have been given when trying to pay by credit card:
Excuse #1 "The Visa machine is not working yet. They only just installed it." (uh huh)
Excuse #2 "You have to pay the surcharge when paying by credit card. Why not you just pay cash?" (because there was a big frickin queue at the ATM)
Taken from Mark's post : "Paying By Credit Card. A Taboo"
Good one Mark! :) It was a great read! Everyone should read it and see how much it really relates to your own experiences with cabbiestaxi drivers!
Technorati tags : taximansingapore | taxi
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This sucks! I have spent the entire morning, till just a while ago, fiddling with the much-dreaded ServiceCenter software by Peregrine Systems. It’s an expensive pain in the ass to customise and I really wonder what made the people in management even think of purchasing it! Why the hell do managers put shit on their staff when they themselves find it a pain to use too!!?!?!
Well, like one of my managers once said, “You’re paid to do this shit so, JFDI!” (Incidentally, if you did not already know what the acronymn JFDI stands for, it’s Just Fuckin Do It! Duh!)
Ok, smartass, let’s see what you make of the system after I make the implementations to the system permanent and make sure that your guys (AND YOU) stick strictly to the system’s new mandatory procedures for input.
Don't complain to me because I will just smile and JFDI you (plural), asshole! :)
Curses! Curses! Curses!
Technorati tags : JFDI
A joke to get me by...
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Taken from a book left to me by an ex-colleague.
Book's name is Khushwant Singh's Joke Book IV (hell, this guy actually has enough jokes for so many books!).
Q: What is the difference between a church and a movie theatre? A: In church they say, 'Pray in the name of Jesus.' In a theatre they say, 'Shut up for Christ's sake!'
Technorati tags : jokes | church
Things to do with that blog of yours
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What do you do with your blog?
Do you simply use it to, erm well, just blog? Just throw in some text? What are the other possible uses of a blogging service? Besides being used as an online diary (now, that’s an understatement!), what else can we do with this ever-popular thing called Weblog a.k.a. Blog?
I have gathered a list of things we can do with our blogging accounts here – please contribute if you can think of more (of course you can!). And of course I know that the fundamental thing to do with a weblog is just simply to blog!
Things you can do with your Blog: 1. Use it as an online diary. Very useful for people living overseas, where they can use this means to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and current situation to members of the family or friends back home.
2. Use it as a discussion board for your own group(s) where the owner/members may post new topics up for discussion. Of course, you may have easily signed up with an online group service like MSN’s, Yahoo! Asia’s, or Google’s, but… ok ok, this is lame…
3. Use it to organize and manage an oncoming party/BBQ. For example, if you have a party coming up the next weekend, instead of calling people up to confirm the individual tasks and ‘in-charge-ofs’, you can simply get your friends to visit this site to update the details on who buys what, who brings what and who does what!
4. Use it as a ‘Latest Update’ page like I have done so at my gallery. The center section of that main page of the site is updated and maintained with a blog. Any new photos that I put up, I will go to blogger.com and post an update statement there. Visitors to the site will be updated on what is current.
5. Use it as a rant space. This is where you literal-fuck all those things, issues, or people you don’t like! Do not underestimate the extend of the power of the digital voice! Blogs nowadays are watched and read by many authorities (for security, and for feeling the ground on current issues).
Ok, I ran out! Any more from you?
Technorati tags : blog | blog uses | tips
Lousy weekend
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Lousy weekend... everyone's sick.
I am shit-pissed with my church and I am nearly going to blow my parish priest (current, at least for 2 more months to come) and church head catechist to bits.
Edit: Government agents, and officials note! This post is just a passing thought. No real intention to 'blow' anyone up... I don't want to end up with bullet-holes in my dead corpse!
Bloggers Hacked
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Blogs by Xiaxue and WonkyTong had been hacked into! WTF!
XX now wants the culprit caught. Apparently, her Gmail account also kena hacked and her 3000+ emails toilet-flushed!
Didn't Gmail say......Who needs to delete when you have over 2000 MB of storage?! Now, whoever is so free (and cruel) as to do that! Years of hard work you know!? The person who did that had absolutely no respect for the authors of these two blogs, and any other blogger! It could happen to you and me too!
Well, what's done can not be undone (right?!?! Hmm...).
Moving forward, users should employ more diligence in protecting their digital data/information.
Brennan has some tips for everyone at here.
I have a small tip to offer too!
To make a relatively complex yet easily remembered (to yourself) password, just think of a phrase that you find easy to remember.
For example:The following phrase, I am going to kill that bastard hacker when I catch him!
becomes, Iagtktbhwich!
To make it better still, replace some alphabets with numbers, Iag2ktbhw1ch!
There, it was not so hard to remember right?
Ok, ok, my example was lame and lousy, but, you get the idea right? :-)
See also, - Mr Brown's article - Special Feature on Tomorrow.sg
Technorati tags : gmail | hacked | xiaxue | wonkytong
Having a blast(out).
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After a morning of work, I am finally able to take a breather and post an entry here.
Of late, I have been able to post quite frequently. The frequency of the posts surprises even myself! God, I am full of shit! Hehe!
Today, I will sum up a couple of interesting things I have learnt from someone I know. (Oh no, not another bullet-ridden, point-formed, boring-listed post!) These have been bottled up inside me for a while and I feel it is time I let it out.
I have learnt that; 1. I am supposed to believe that a 3-month-old baby is able to recognize and respond to the alphabets. Oh PUH-LEEEASE! Next, you’re gonna have me believe that a 1-month-old baby walks.
2. No matter how much you try to suggest to the elders that they suck, they just don’t get it inside their head. Plan B: Tell them straight in the face that they suck.
3. You can actually get away with giving someone (as a gift for house-warming party) a set of plastic tea set that you have bought at less than SGD10.00 from NTUC Fairprice’s Thursday specials – even though your husband earns a nifty sum every month, AND you like gossiping about other people who are so 'ngeow'. Trust me, this works; it earns you some savings, as well as new enemies.
4. Criticising others’ children about not doing something, even when your own are also not doing it, is OK. For example, appearing at gatherings, funerals, weddings, birthday parties, etc. Fuck lah, go do some housekeeping before you bad mouth others!
5. When you go ‘wreaking havoc’ at people’s house playing mahjong it is ok, but if the people suggest going over to your house for mahjong, it is not ok – “because the little one needs to sleep…” KNN!
There, there… it feels much better already.
Funny, lately, people seems to be pissed off easily… dun believe? Just ask nephy lor.
The censors missed this...hehe!
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They did not miss Big Fuck's blog URL... but they missed something, erm, less ang moh from Rockson's article URL. heeheh!
See more comments at tomorrow.sg on Digital Life's spread on the Bloggers.SG 2005 event at here. Digital Life seems to get it better than the Sunday Times guys.
Of course, it's not only because the have done up a whopping 5 pages full of it! (This must have been a really huge YAWN for the Sunday Times writers to read!)
KNN, now I walked into the pantry to read it up again but found that someone had either cheonged the copy of DLife or it is now in the toilet smelling shit.
Technorati tags : bloggers | news
They can seize your movables!
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Have you paid your arrears for Service and Conservancy Charges to your Town Council? Are you paying your monthly instalments for your precinct's LUP (Lift Upgrading Programme)?
If you have not (either forgotten or simply bo chap), you better do so lest you end up sleeping on the streets! This will be the hard truth if the amendment to the Town Council Act is passed in Parliament sessions that begin today.
Nowadays, our gahmen agencies/stat boards/etc very beng one leh. They can come and seize your 'movable property', or worse still, they sell your flat! Quick, go screw all your furniture to the walls and floor!
For the CNA article, please go here.
Overheard on the MRT today, these two guys were (obviously not impressed) talking about this...
WARNING! Excessive use of verbal abuse, dialects and other verbal what-nots here!
... Guy A: Kana sai! Gahmen nowadays will go your house and sherriff-sticker your property for sale leh. KNN!
Guy B: Dun worry lah! You pay your Town Council money right?
Guy A: Yah lah, but then hor, read about this news make me so tulan liao! Fucked up gahmen lah...!
Guy B: So, what you wanna do about this? (smirk on his face)
Guy A: Nothing lor... my brother suggest we don't pay and let them sherriff-sale off my maid... thinking of dun wan my maid liao...damn dang poon
Guy B: NB! Like that also can!
Guy A: maybe you can try that on your girlfriend too...hehehe!
Guy B: CB!
[*ding*dong*...Raffles Place Interchange...] ...
Heheeh! Interesting stuff you get on the MRT every morning! :) Better go pay my S&C charges now...
Technorati tags : town council | singapore
Birthday Sunday!
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Mum and Dad celebrated my grandma's birthday on Sunday, over at mum's place. Almost 40 people gathered at her 4-room HDB flat. We were serving drinkables from gold taps (costing SGD990.00 each after discount) that we had installed the previous week (Not!) and Farmer brand peanuts were available for everyone! (No again!) :-)
Something worth mentioning is that my cousin Malcolm actually appeared this time round! Balaclava's not open yet, I suppose?!?!? :-)
Mahjong kakis arrived early (as usual) to kick things off. The Angs (here and here) just can not do without mahjong... *grin*.
In the midst of everything, I had to leave for a few hours. My godmother's birthday fell on the same day as well... so, had to party-hop a bit. By the time I finished with my godmother's side, and came back, it was almost 1630hrs! Time for pictures and cake-cutting before people started leaving.
The camera flash's battery compartment cover was stuck... so, I had to do without flash for the pictures... The C5050Z's F1.8 aperture came in handy, but proved a tad challenging to handle with the speed of the events. In all, we had 3 digicams shooting and I tell you, it was a messy but fun time! Heehee!
Overall, I would say that it was not a good 'shoot' for me as only a few of the shots could be considered viewable quality, Lucas was grouchy in most of the shots... :-(
This being a good chance for my kids to take pictures with their great-grandma, they certainly did not want to miss it! See here and here.
The final group shots came out pretty ok though. Everyone was in a playful mood... good and natural. Heh!
Note: I am writing this in my personal capacity hor!
Addendum: Lisa's Yahoo! Photo Album here.
Technorati tags : family | personal capacity
Be a Transparent CEO meme
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Haaha! Just couldn't help it but post this!
After the ever-so-famous recent NKF saga, came this blog post... by Mr. Tan Kin Lian (the real one ah?!?).
Read about his 'transparent' revelations on his blog.
I will give a hint. I earn less than 50% of CEOs of large listed companies that are reported regularly in the newspapers.
I wish to state the following:
- I fly by economy class, including long distance travel - I drive a 8 year old Mercedes E200 and will keep it for a few more years. So who's next on the list??? Anyone? CEOs?!?!
Related links: - Mr Tan's blog - Tomorrow.sg
Technorati tags : meme | ceo | transparent
And it's over...?!
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Now now, they've all resigned. There will be comprehensive changes to the way things are run with the NKF. Government scrutiny will be on this organization (at least for a while). I guess public uproar will also be in a brief respite.
Question is: Will you DOUBLE your donations like the Leongs? (REF: The Newpaper @ this article.)
I know I will not AND can not... for the CONSTANT is that my pay does not increase despite all these! How to double donations? :-(
Technorati tags : Singapore | NKF
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Ok! Today, I will do my part for the blogging community in Singapore.
A fellow blogger, YuHui, has created a banner for the Bloggers.SG event on 16 July 2005 to be held at DXO (Esplanade).
So I will help spread the word!

Will you be there? I won't... just advertising only.
Haha! I very Bor liao right?
Read the article on tomorrow.sg.
Technorati tags : bloggers | convention
Lyssa Zampa
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No, I don't want to talk about the NKFS hoo-haa. Or why it's website is unaccessible. These have been too hotly publicized already.
Besides, I am too fugged up after a whole night of slogging through the Oracle databases and scripting in pathetic PL/SQL - a last minute dash for project completion. Working till the wee hours (0428hrs to be exact). I found that as it got deeper into the night, the less drowsy I became it was almost as if I was a nocturnal creature.
We will talk about a nocturnal creature. A moth named Lyssa Zampa. The recent 'attack' of the nocturnal Lyssa zampa moths seems to have slowed/stopped. I don't see them lying around stairways, corridors, etc. anymore. HabitatNews has something (a blog article actually) on this, posted by N. Sivasothi. For pictures of these not-so-little mothies, check out the entries on flickr with lyssazampa tag. People are just SO eager with their digicams nowadays...yes, I am one of them too, only thing is I have not been able to capture a picture of the Lyssa Zampa.
Thinking of which... do you think moth balls work against these large mothies?
Technorati tags : lyssazampa | moth
Labrador Park
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Went to Labrador Park yesterday. The sun was up, skies were blue and the clouds were pretty. At the jetty, a number of people were happily fishing and sitting around.
Just opposite the jetty, I saw a pretty cloud-form. The gases, smoke, wastes coming out from the industrial plant opposite the jetty has formed into a pretty looking cloud mass.
Pollution never looked so nice. Don't blame me for feeling so. It was pretty while it lasted.
Addendum: More pictures available at my Flickr gallery and my personal online gallery.
Technorati tags : pollution | clouds | labrador park
Heineken Elevation 280 Party
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This is the venue of the party. Did not know what these guys were up to the whole week till I read this article.
Hopefully, the weather tomorrow will not be like today's! Haha!
Party on people!
Technorati tags : heineken | clubbing | Elevation 280
We couldn't put the fox on fire.
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Alas, when tested with Firefox Browser (v1.0.4), this site's new layout got screwed up. Seems like I am still very much a MSIE guy! :( Well, if I can afford the time, I will attempt to tackle the scripting and positioning problems!
Since we are talking about Firefox, let me quote something from the Mozilla.org site where Firefox's home is.
Setup's a Snap At only 4.7MB (Windows), Firefox takes just a few minutes to download over a slow connection and seconds over a fast connection. The installer gets you set up quickly, and the new Easy Transition system imports all of your settings - Favorites, passwords and other data from Internet Explorer and other browsers - so you can start surfing right away.
4,7MB!! That's one helluva pocket Hercules we have here! My dear MSIE weighs in at least 20+MB (Note: I am not too up to date with the size nowadays.)!
Technorati tags : msie | mozilla.org | firefox
It is getting colder.
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Went to school last night. It sucked.
Lecturer (supposed HOD for the subject) taught read straight out of the pages. Boring shit. Felt like telling her to stop whining and get on with actually explaining the stuff that was described in the course book. We were attending Oracle PL/SQL class. And to think I travelled all the way to Jurong East for this bull. Duh!
Back in office today, feels like a cold cell. No, not that Kenny is not around anymore (but it does feel a little quieter now; no one to bicker and TCSS with anymore), but the whole place is almost DESERTED.
Headcount as at 0845hrs stood at 7. Shitty; and the central air-conditioning system is working damn fine today. Brrrr.! My thin Guess jacket just CMI. By lunchtime, we were down to just 6.
Wah... received a call from Wendy to collect some vouchers for the 'help' that was provided for one of her office's projects. This is good money erm, voucher values man! :) Hey gal, got this kind of lobang must gaisiao.
Going to mum's place for dinner tonight. Going to catch up with nephy on his KL trip - seems like people shopped till he dropped... or should I say drank till he saeh!
Oh yah.. the major re-design of this blog is complete liao... just additions like Blogrolling and minor size adjustments. Keep your comments pouring (if any).
Technorati tags : Blogrolling
A 'Close' and a 'Loss'
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My usual morning hei-mee stall has decided to close down - Due to 'conflict of interests' between the stall owner and the owner of the shop.
So, no more SGD2.00 hei-mee in the mornings for me! It's back to the fried bee hoon!
From tomorrow, I will be without a kaki for breakfast/tea breaks. (*sigh*) Nevertheless, I'd like to say, "Good Luck Kenny! You've finally made it out of this sh!thole company!" Hehehe!
After about 4½ years working together, my colleague and kopi kaki has decided to call it quits and leave the company make a strategic move (wah, so cheem and stylo-mylo) to another company.
Site Re-design Complete! (Almost!)
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Just added the CBox board for random chatter on this site. Seems like it is working fine now.
In case anyone is interested, yes, I took the picture on the banner and YES, this was taken on the train while on the way to Hua Lamphong Station (Central Bangkok) during my recent trip there.
Do drop me a mail or something if you feel that something needs improvement!
Technorati tags : blogger-templates | cbox
A New Look for my Blog!
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Did not feel like working. So, decided to give my 'green' friend a makeover.
Cheonged the Ice Bubble Blogger theme from Blogger Templates and gave it a little customization.
End result is this bluish spot here! :)
...and oohh!!!
Did I mention that I am one of the Top Contributors on Tomorrow.sg? haolian rite??!? (ok ok, only for the past 30 days lah! Besides, only 2 posts mah!)
Added: Forgot to mention that my Tagboard is off till it is reconfigured for the new look.
Technorati tags : blogger | blogger-templates | blogger templates