The taximan says...
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What do you do on a Friday with work to do but you just don't feel like it?
Go reading interesting blogs that tickle!
Take Mark's blog on his taxi 'adventures' in Singapore for example. It comes across as one that has been quite (very) straight-forward and truthful in recording things that are very real and happening in our everyday (in my case, in-frequent) experience with Singaporean taxi drivers. Hey, many of the things mentioned in his blog not only ang-mohs will come across, even local chinese like me have also experienced them!
Excerpt:Paying By Credit Card. A Taboo.
All taxis in Singapore have two things in common.
1. They accept all major credit cards.
2. All taxi drivers are excellent at avoiding taking payment by credit card.
Here are some of the excuses I have been given when trying to pay by credit card:
Excuse #1 "The Visa machine is not working yet. They only just installed it." (uh huh)
Excuse #2 "You have to pay the surcharge when paying by credit card. Why not you just pay cash?" (because there was a big frickin queue at the ATM)
Taken from Mark's post : "Paying By Credit Card. A Taboo"
Good one Mark! :) It was a great read! Everyone should read it and see how much it really relates to your own experiences with cabbiestaxi drivers!
Technorati tags : taximansingapore | taxi