Bloggers Hacked
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Blogs by Xiaxue and WonkyTong had been hacked into! WTF!
XX now wants the culprit caught. Apparently, her Gmail account also kena hacked and her 3000+ emails toilet-flushed!
Didn't Gmail say......Who needs to delete when you have over 2000 MB of storage?! Now, whoever is so free (and cruel) as to do that! Years of hard work you know!? The person who did that had absolutely no respect for the authors of these two blogs, and any other blogger! It could happen to you and me too!
Well, what's done can not be undone (right?!?! Hmm...).
Moving forward, users should employ more diligence in protecting their digital data/information.
Brennan has some tips for everyone at here.
I have a small tip to offer too!
To make a relatively complex yet easily remembered (to yourself) password, just think of a phrase that you find easy to remember.
For example:The following phrase, I am going to kill that bastard hacker when I catch him!
becomes, Iagtktbhwich!
To make it better still, replace some alphabets with numbers, Iag2ktbhw1ch!
There, it was not so hard to remember right?
Ok, ok, my example was lame and lousy, but, you get the idea right? :-)
See also, - Mr Brown's article - Special Feature on Tomorrow.sg
Technorati tags : gmail | hacked | xiaxue | wonkytong