It is getting colder.
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Went to school last night. It sucked.
Lecturer (supposed HOD for the subject) taught read straight out of the pages. Boring shit. Felt like telling her to stop whining and get on with actually explaining the stuff that was described in the course book. We were attending Oracle PL/SQL class. And to think I travelled all the way to Jurong East for this bull. Duh!
Back in office today, feels like a cold cell. No, not that Kenny is not around anymore (but it does feel a little quieter now; no one to bicker and TCSS with anymore), but the whole place is almost DESERTED.
Headcount as at 0845hrs stood at 7. Shitty; and the central air-conditioning system is working damn fine today. Brrrr.! My thin Guess jacket just CMI. By lunchtime, we were down to just 6.
Wah... received a call from Wendy to collect some vouchers for the 'help' that was provided for one of her office's projects. This is good money erm, voucher values man! :) Hey gal, got this kind of lobang must gaisiao.
Going to mum's place for dinner tonight. Going to catch up with nephy on his KL trip - seems like people shopped till he dropped... or should I say drank till he saeh!
Oh yah.. the major re-design of this blog is complete liao... just additions like Blogrolling and minor size adjustments. Keep your comments pouring (if any).
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