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I travel daily from home to office by bus.
I have been travelling by bus and MRT since way back in school days. So, do not point the finger at me and accuse me of being a 'rich ass, spoiled brat' who just couldn't get used to public transport!
To be fair, I have to mention that I have had my share of public transport nightmares (buses, MRTs and taxis). So, those who still insist on thinking so, go, FUCK OFF!
There. Now that I have that settled, let's get down to business! :)
As I have said, I take the bus to work every day - Bus number 854 to be exact. Now, this is not a comparison of the bus qualities between bus companies, but rather, I hope to highlight the situation on the bus that I take every day.
I am usually happier whenever I see the long 'Bendy' bus coming to the bus stop. Partly because this means there are more seats and standing space available (it gets really tough to get on the bus during peak hours), and mostly because these buses are generally 'cleaner' as they are newer if you compare them with the others in the fleet.
Why am I so afraid of the other buses? Well, one reason is that the air is usually quite stale on many of the older ones. I do not know if it is a problem with the filters, or the seat cushions/paddings (these look as if they have not been cleaned for the last 5 years!), but something does make the air smell stale and musky. As I have a sensitive nose, this usually results in me getting sneezes and runny nose by the end of my trip. *sulk*
I mentioned the cushions on the seats earlier... if you were to take a look at them, you will see that most of them have a greyish taint. If you ran your palm over them, you will feel that the surfaces actually feel a little waxy (probably from the layers of dirt and grime on them). Heehee! Ok, I will stop describing them before people start accusing me of being a cleaniness freak - again! Duh! Nabei! I only say what every one feels but don't put into words what!
To make things worse, I noticed that recently, the air-conditioning systems on a few of the 854s are not functioning properly. They are either too weak (ok, this might be because the driver bus captain had turned it down, but FOR FUCK??? Why?), or the blowers are dripping water! If the weather was cold, I would understand if the temperature was turned up a little, but on a sunny day with a full load of sweaty passengers?!?! The air-conditioning was almost non-existent!!! As for the dripping blowers, they make the already packed buses worse as the seats right underneath them will be empty. Who would want to get off the bus with a wet spot on his crotch or chest right?
Now, I have saved this as my last point for this post. I personally feel that the driving skill of the bus captains for bus number 854 suck - BIG TIME!! Serious! They like to step on the brakes as if the brake pads owed them a fortune and they accelerate in short bursts that seem aimed at making you throw up!! A favourite thing that most of them do is to accelerate just before the bus stop and suddenly (VERY SUDDENLY) apply the brakes and turn abruptly into the bus bay. Wah, skillful siah! KNN! Old folks and children can not take such joy rides you know!?!?
This rounds it up for me. Hur!