Strawberry Jam
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Back in the office after a rather weekend that seemed to pass by real quick (isn't it the same week-in week-out?)
Feeling drowsy as I have been put on anti-histamines to treat the itch reaction from an allergy (to something, no idea what?!?!) I have been having on my arms for a week plus now. Another cause for the drowsiness is the cough syrup that I am also having...zzzzzzzz! Duh!
WTF! Guess I will have to pull through the day on caffeine!! Nah!! Too much of that stuff will harm you man! Go easy on the coffee everyone!
Now, the coffee should go well with the buns that I have brought this morning! They have been applied with homemade strawberry jam that was freshly cooked last night!!! Yummy!
The jam is also very simple to make!
HOMEMADE STRAWBERRY JAM- Strawberries - to amount required.
- Honey - add to taste
- Raw Sugar - add to taste (not required if the honey added is sufficiently sweet for you).
- Lemon - add to taste
Steps to cook- Boil and simmer the strawberries in a little amount of water. Stir continuously to break down the pieces of strawberries.
- Squeeze a lemon and pour about 1/2 to 3/4 of the juice in (to taste).
- Add the honey. Continue stirring to prevent burning.
- Add raw sugar (if you prefer). Continue stirring to prevent burning.
- Bring to boil and let it cool before storing in the refrigerator.
There you have it! Very simple way to make strawberry jam yourself!!! Oh and please note that since we did not add preservatives, this jam is probably going to last you a week or so before turning bad.
Just started on another Stephen King book today. It is titled "The Long Walk". I have only started the first page and therefore can not make any comments. It is good that now, I have a source for a 'regular' supply of King's books.
My sister-in-law's younger sister is also a fan of his. She has in her collection quite a handful of his books and since they have been lying on the bookshelf collecting dust, I decided to borrow them. Saves me the trips to the library! Hahah!