Of pee-drops, poo-piles and the toilet throne
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Bored and surfing around when I came across this rather interesting page on "How to use a Japanese-styled toilet bowl".
Thinking of which... which do you prefer? Squat or seat toilets?
All my childhood, I was used to the squat type as this came installed in most (all?) HDB flats. Only the master bedroom had seat type toilets. Therefore, I was most annoyed by the seat type as I had to clean the seat before I could use it.
Some commonly seen 'stuff' on the toilet seats/floor include (but not limited to):- 'Pee-drops'
You guys got a leak somewhere is it??!?!?
- 'Poo-poo'
Some people just can not hold their shit. Ha!
- Shoe prints
Ooi! This is a seat! Not something for you to squat or stand on!
- Soiled Underwear
We acknowledge that there are times when timing and nature do not work together. Hence, sometimes you will need to sacrifice that Calvin Klein undie...
- Toilet Paper covering shit
Some kind souls will cover the shit on the seats. Curious ones will uncover the TRUTH under the paper! Hurhurhur!
The worst thing would be a missing toilet seat. How the hell am I to do my business while more than half the time, my mind is focusing on the germs and shit and...yucks! Call me a cleaniness freak or whatever, but no way am I going to sit on a toilet bowl without a proper seat! Hehee!