Simple Calendar Days Tool
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Something interesting (not exactly very useful, but interesting nonetheless) which I remember from my childhood days. My father was the one who taught me this.
A 'portable' calendar that helps you find out on what day a particular date of a month falls on. Nothing really fancy to this but kinda useful sometimes. This makes use of nothing more than your own hands (fingers, actually).
It works pretty fine except that you will first have to memorize the positions of the month groups on the indexes of the fingers - and these gets 'pushed' one index per year.
Note: The calendar layout on the finger sections differ year to year. But if you'd noticed, the months get 'displaced' by ONE section per year! (e.g. If September was in Section Three of Index Finger on 2005, for 2006, it should be on Section One of Middle Finger! Go figure!). This might be different for some years though... have to try it out lah! But generally, this is how it works! :)
Take the date 3rd September 2005. Which day does it fall on?
Using the 'tool' above (refer YEAR 2005):
- Locate the month on the finger section. (September is on Section Three of the Index finger).
- Count the number of sections per the date. (e.g. 3rd will mean that you count THREE sections DOWNWARDS, FROM RIGHT TO LEFT).
- We find that we end up in the SATURDAY section. Hence, we conclude that 3rd September 2005 is a Saturday.
Ok, so much for boring you out! Haha!
Please Note! If it seems too cheem, please do not attempt! Don't want to bore/scare/frighten you off!