Ice cream, ice cream!
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So you get these teenagers running up and down the HDB estates nowadays. What are they doing? Selling ice-creams on push carts/trolleys for the extra pocket money.
Nothing really bad about this except the ATTITUDE!
Here's how they work.
First of all, they (usually in pairs per area) will take the lift up to the top floor of a block. From there, they will start going from house-to-house, floor-to-floor trying the 'peddle' their ice-creams.
Now, the most annoying thing about all this is, the way they try to convince you to buy.
A knock on my house door.
Cute Boy(CB): Uncle, good evening! Care to buy some ice-creams? <-- WTF! UNCLE! I'm not so old ok!
moe: I'm sorry, but this is not a good time as my kids are all down with cough and runny noses...
CB: But our ice-creams are very nice! <-- well, he didn't get my point
moe: (still sounding very nice)I'm really sorry but I guess I'll have to let this pass.
CB: Come one lah! Look at us two teenagers running around at this time selling ice-cream... support us lah! Help us lah! <-- Time was about 2100hrs
CB#2 comes closer...
CB2: Yah lor! We are so tired and wanna go home earlier lah! Help us out here!
moe: ...
CB2: How about this, we sell you Cornettothis cone ice-cream at a super discounted price of just a dollar each??? That way, you can buy 5 from us and we charge only 5 dollars! 5 dollars only lah you can't afford meh? <-- Hey, I know my maths and besides, I. DO. NOT. WANT. ICE-CREAM!
moe: (Getting annoyed)Look here, I do not want ice-creams, not today.
CB2: ok, how about these then? (Turns his 'sales brochure' around to show more pictures of tubs of ice-cream).
moe: (VERY VERY ANNOYED now)This is still ice-cream right? No thanks!
CB: (to CB2) Let's go lah! He dun wanna buy lah!
CB2: (mumbling VERY AUDIBLY)Ok lor, wasted so much time and strength, still not even one cone he bought.
moe: ...! This is not the first time this happened to me with these ice-cream peddlers. This kind of shit attitude sucks big time! The ice-cream companies should really look into this matter!
By comparison, those aunties peddling Vitagen or Yakult are much better sales persons in terms of attitude!