I want my Herman Miller!
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The Aeron Workchair from Herman Miller As mentioned in some of my earlier posts, we will be relocating our office this weekend. Many of the people in the office are a little disappointed that they are not able to keep their most treasured/bragged-about/precious, 'thousand-dollar' Aeron office chairs by Herman Miller.
Management has decided that it would be preposterous for us 'ordinary' workers to be using chairs of this quality while the CEO used something of neighbourhood furniture store quality. It seems that our new colleagues (as a result of a recent merger take-over) did not enjoy the same level of comfort as we did. And now that we are together as one company, the management feels that it is most right for us to be EQUAL. Hence, the 'reshuffle' of Herman Miller chairs for fairness. WTF!
Don't even think that you can keep that chair even though you've been sitting on it for the last 5-8 years! Hmmpf! This also tells us very much how this management team thinks of long service employees when it comes to headcount/salary cuts.
People started suggesting ideas to keep that beloved chair:
- Carve 'xxx was here' on the chair to 'mark' your property.
- Remove some screws and have it marked for scrap - offer to help move it to throw. (Of course, you know where it actually goes to!)
- Move it off late in the night when no one is around the office. The bosses do not know exactly how many of these chairs there are around the office. *evil* *cool* Hur hur!
Please note SUGGESTING only hor! Not really going to do it! If anything missing, don't come looking for me!
Removed the Recent Comments section from the sidebar. Creating too much 'noise'. Heheeh! Might put it back though - if there are more customizable options that I can configure through the scripts!