Transport Fares Increase Rant
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Haiz, one of the most profitable monopolies on this island is thinking of increasing fares again! (ST 30/4/05)
Substandard and rude drivers (becos underpaid? Low incentives?), train delays caused by network problems, old and jerky buses ... Are they going to justify the increase with these services they provide?
Or are they going to rely on the sole reason that economy is picking up? The last time they increased during the economic slowdown, they said that there's no good or bad time to raise fares.
The only people who is going to get it hard is those in the lower income group while those decision-makers (who drive cars anyway) care only for the bottom-line and how to line their own pockets (see ST 30/4/05: SMRT profits jumps 42% to record $127M, Money S31)
Die, child abusers!
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Read something interesting on the papers that made me want to come up with this imaginary travel brochure for packages to BKK.
****************************************** *New* 3D2N Bangkok Itinerary
Day 1 - Arrival at Bangkok International Airport. - Check in to hotel. - Surf the web for teenage sex ads. - Post ad for cash offer in return for sex with teenage boys. - Arrange to meet pimps for transaction. - Free and easy.
Day 2 - Breakfast at hotel. - Meet up with pimps to get the boy(s). - Have fun with the boy(s). - 1/2 day Bangkok City Tour *NEW* - Free and easy.
Day 3 - Breakfast at hotel. - Free and easy till boarding time for flight back to Singapore+.
+For extension of stay, choose package with the strikeout items included. Please note that you will not be FREE or EASY should you get caught! ******************************************
Disclaimer: The above 'package' is purely fictitious and I would like to stress that I AM AGAINST CHILD SEX OR THE LIKES OF SUCH SICK ACTIONS!! Michael J...erm, child abusers go to hell! :) *sniggers*
Book Review
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For a long while, I have been trying to get myself to start reading a new book. Recently, I managed to do just that and here's what I read.
It was a book by Mitch Albom titled "The Five People You Meet In Heaven". A heart-warming book that does nothing short of tingling your awareness of the nitty gritty little things happening in your every day life. At the center of it all is Eddie, an old man who constantly feels trapped in his otherwise meaningless life, working at an amusement park.
The story tells of how people or events, that may seem unrelated to you in the slightest of ways, can change your life forever. It makes you realise (very abruptly, in my case) just how important YOUR life is! Things that we do everyday, whether big or small, has an effect on something else. Through each 'encounter' with the characters, Eddie realises the truth and the meaning of events in his earthly life.
Albom also touched on pent up anger that people nowadays (I must admit that I too feel this way on many occasions), face frequently.
Reading the book awoke a sense of urgency to quickly find someone close and give a tight hug and bask in the warmth of the feeling. It also made me think back on all the things that I have done.
Life is sweet, enjoy it.
Cloudy morning
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yo! a special site created for fuggers? *grinz*
hmmm.... my parents went 2 "meet" Lian Zhan & Song Chu Yu @ Beijing Airport this morning. Yupz.. they went for a 8-day China holiday.. :)
Definitely not F&E - Free & Easy .... *wink*wink*
Wad fugs?
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ha.. thanks for the InViTe man.. any other FuggerZ ard?
have sorta read through your most recent posts.. trying to figure out wad Fugs.. anyway.. =)
Was reading your "Wild Mooz Chase".. seems like its all over the island now. And there was this morning, on my Journey WesT, i saw this darn funny sight.. keke.. MATING Seasons in for these Wild Moo Moo.. keke.. not sure if its still on.. but be sure to keep a lookout along 6th Avenue..
Alright.. back to MUGGING.. ciao for now.
Just wondering...
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If ever there was a blogsite that came up with regular (as in every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) schedule of updates with 4D numbers, would it be popular and see it's hit-o-meters climb?
And, if the gaberment of Seng-gar-poh catches a glimpse of it, will the owners have to slap on warning image(s) (something in the likes of those gory ones you see on cigarette packages these days - warning of the hazards of smoking) of the badness of being a serial/ cum addict/ cum psychologicalpathological gambler?
Now wouldn't that make it another first (correct me if I am wrong, pls) for Singapore yet again har?! Tioh bor?
Yeah, high speed baby!
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Starhub ups the ante(again!?) in the race to be number one ISP in Singapore!
Very soon after the launch of its fastest residential Internet access plan (6.5mbps), Starhub launches the next killer punch! No, it is not a 7, 8 or 9'er mbps access service but a whopping 25mbps!!!
Yah, read this, 25MBPS for residential Internet access! What do people use that for?!! 'Legal' movie downloads or anime via our ever so ho-say Bittorrent clients? Hehehe! May I also add that they will be throwing in a queasy HP Laptop to lure more subscribers (not that the SGD104.40 subscription is cheap though). Yes, this laptop sucks big time... imagine, Celeron processor! Erm, no offence to the Celeron-users, but, it does suck.
Now, I can feel the itch to 'migrate' to Starhub Maxonline service once my miserable 512kbps contract expires in May. Haha! Finally, it's 'Bye bye Singnet!'
Till then, fugs!
I'm back!
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Yup, after a looong break for the ever-detestable exams, I am back!
(***chirping of crickets...)
yah, whatever! fugs!
Wild Moos Chase.
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What's with all the cows that we are seeing all over the island?
With these fellows located along the stretch of CTE along Ang Mo Kio Ave 3, accidents are bound to happen!
Online booking - What I learnt.
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1. That you should NEVER attempt to book anything after the site's Customer Support hotline closes for the day.
2. That I have to petition to Mr. Gates to have his team provide a 'if-credit-card-purchase-in-page-with-idiot-user-disable-refresh-keys' options for MSIE.
3. That it is always very easy to tell someone, "Hey! Book for me also leh."
4. That man's balls react faster than anything else when a man faces sudden surprise or anxiety.
5. That the phrase "You got no balls ah?!" does not always mean a bad thing.
6. That one should not have English/Singlish/Hanyu Pinyin/Dialect name together in your birth/citizenship registration details as web forms are not custom made to suit these combinations. Example, your name is Tan Ah Kow Tony. In the web form, you have only two fields - Given Name and Surname. How would you fill this up? (i) Given Name - Ah Kow Tony, Surname - Tan, will result in final printout by computer as Mr. Ah Kow Tony Tan, (ii) Given Name - Tony Ah Kow, Surname - Tan, will result in final printout by computer as Mr. Tony Ah Kow Tan. Both of which don't sound right in local (read Singaporean) context.
F&E Tours
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F&E translates to "Free and Easy", or so I thought!
At this very moment, I am planning a F&E trip to Bangkok (if situations in Thailand improve) for June. The truth of planning a trip yourself is that F&E definitely does not mean Free & Easy!
Firstly, you will DEFINITELY have to pay for the air tickets, hotel stay, airport taxes, food, shopping, etc. Now tell me, how "FREE" can this get?
Next, juggling the booking of air tickets to hotel accommodations is definitely not "EASY"! Just when you are about to set your mind on booking from an online site/agent, this little voice in your head starts asking... "Is this as low as the price gets?" And, you are off, once again, on a budget hunt through the classifieds and internet sites! (Just wondering: is it only because I am Singaporean, that this is happening?)
After about 2 weeks in (re)deliberation and (re)considerations, I have yet to make up my mind on this. Duh!
Maybe the pressure of bringing the entire family out of the country on a self-planned trip is too much to bear. Maybe, just maybe, I am chicken shit... but, there's always a first for every thing buster!
Now, back to Valuair's website.
Tried and Tested.
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Do try this.
Required: - yogult - assorted fruits (bananas, strawberries, pears and whatever you can find in your refrigerator) - pasteurised milk - good blender - loads of toilet paper
Procedures: 1. Dump all that shit into the blender and er, blend! 2. Pour out funny looking mixture and drink. 3. If your digestive system is pretty ok, you should be happily getting goosebumps in the toilet (at least for the first two times).
Of choc and cakes.
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Recently, I heard about some fantastic tasting, awfully sinful, and totally delicious chocolate cake that one must try here in Singapore.
After some searching through my trusted Google service, I found it. Making the order was real simple... you call the shop, the people there asks for your preferred cake flavour and size (or weight, since they sell in grams/kilograms), your name and your mobile phone number. Locating the shop (somewhere in 11th Avenue Adam Road/Dunearn Road district) took some serious navigation for me - someone who lives on the other side of the island.
I must say, after finally tasting the cake, that it has been very, very much overrated. To be fair, it might not be the kind of cake I favoured but still it did not warrant such a good buzz all over the Internet (in forums and bbs)!
I am better off with Sara Lee cakes.
...and still on the subject of insurance...
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Why does your insurance agent (as if you owned them) send you Christmas/Birthday/New Year/whatever-the-occasion cards every year as if they were some close friend or relative?
(Many of) These people don't even remember your face after you pen in the insurance plan!
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Taken from a complimentary calendar from an insurance company... "April; some pursue happiness - others create it. ~Anonymous"
to add to this, "...and many others have to tackle the fugging exams!"