Yeah, high speed baby!
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Starhub ups the ante(again!?) in the race to be number one ISP in Singapore!
Very soon after the launch of its fastest residential Internet access plan (6.5mbps), Starhub launches the next killer punch! No, it is not a 7, 8 or 9'er mbps access service but a whopping 25mbps!!!
Yah, read this, 25MBPS for residential Internet access! What do people use that for?!! 'Legal' movie downloads or anime via our ever so ho-say Bittorrent clients? Hehehe! May I also add that they will be throwing in a queasy HP Laptop to lure more subscribers (not that the SGD104.40 subscription is cheap though). Yes, this laptop sucks big time... imagine, Celeron processor! Erm, no offence to the Celeron-users, but, it does suck.
Now, I can feel the itch to 'migrate' to Starhub Maxonline service once my miserable 512kbps contract expires in May. Haha! Finally, it's 'Bye bye Singnet!'
Till then, fugs!