Of choc and cakes.
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Recently, I heard about some fantastic tasting, awfully sinful, and totally delicious chocolate cake that one must try here in Singapore.
After some searching through my trusted Google service, I found it. Making the order was real simple... you call the shop, the people there asks for your preferred cake flavour and size (or weight, since they sell in grams/kilograms), your name and your mobile phone number. Locating the shop (somewhere in 11th Avenue Adam Road/Dunearn Road district) took some serious navigation for me - someone who lives on the other side of the island.
I must say, after finally tasting the cake, that it has been very, very much overrated. To be fair, it might not be the kind of cake I favoured but still it did not warrant such a good buzz all over the Internet (in forums and bbs)!
I am better off with Sara Lee cakes.