F&E Tours
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F&E translates to "Free and Easy", or so I thought!
At this very moment, I am planning a F&E trip to Bangkok (if situations in Thailand improve) for June. The truth of planning a trip yourself is that F&E definitely does not mean Free & Easy!
Firstly, you will DEFINITELY have to pay for the air tickets, hotel stay, airport taxes, food, shopping, etc. Now tell me, how "FREE" can this get?
Next, juggling the booking of air tickets to hotel accommodations is definitely not "EASY"! Just when you are about to set your mind on booking from an online site/agent, this little voice in your head starts asking... "Is this as low as the price gets?" And, you are off, once again, on a budget hunt through the classifieds and internet sites! (Just wondering: is it only because I am Singaporean, that this is happening?)
After about 2 weeks in (re)deliberation and (re)considerations, I have yet to make up my mind on this. Duh!
Maybe the pressure of bringing the entire family out of the country on a self-planned trip is too much to bear. Maybe, just maybe, I am chicken shit... but, there's always a first for every thing buster!
Now, back to Valuair's website.