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Maple Story SEA v0.34
Thursday, September 28, 2006
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The patch from 0.33 to 0.34 was a BIG PAIN IN THE ASS!! Yup! All 61MB+ of it!!

It screwed my 0.33 installation and thank goodness I had a backup copy of that to re-install with! Jeez!! 0.34 introduced several interesting stuff which you can read here.

Well, after the patch and all the disconnection problems surfacing, many people could not get a line into the MS servers, so it was quite quiet around the towns for a while when I got in.

After getting about 10 orihalcon ore drops, 2 white t-shirts and 2 wooden clubs, I got a Blue Tai from the Dark Stone Golems! Hehehe! Useless to me but it was a Level 60 item nonetheless. Besides, I had been hunting at Sleepywood Dungeon for way too long without a decent drop. Sniper pots don't count right!?!? Bleah!

The introduction of the new (maybe not so new as I heard that KMS/GMS already had this long ago) beginner skills and the addition of the Monster Piece drop from Gachapon machines top my list of 'GOODIES' for this versional upgrade!

Here's a screenshot of the beginner skills
New beginner

Oh, and did you check out the Ranking pages on the Maple SEA webby? MrYandao is tops (as expected) at Level 185 o.0

P/S: CTM is in DA HOUSE! Hahah! Finally, he has decided to come over to Bootes!

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Scam alert!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
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Read on the papers today that there are some stupid fucks from China who are making unsolicited IDD calls to our mobile phones and then hanging up on first ring.

This will create a MISSED CALL item on our phones. If we returned the call, we will usually hear some recorded messages of some sort (go read the Straits Times), and all this while you are connected to a Premium line (means must pay premium $$$ also lah!)

According to the report, these scam numbers usually start with "+861", just like this one I received.

However, it seems like these calls are useless against users in Singapore as there are some levels of check in place (really?!) - like an agreement between the operator there and our local ones, before the call is connected and charged. How true, I don't know.

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Reminiscing school day songs
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
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What are your memories from your school days?

For me, those memories are largely connected in one way or another to music and songs. Music because I was with the school's military band, and songs because, well, every other teenager tunes in to the radio stations right?!

Through the years, songs of the past still remain most memorable. Especially more so for those during your years in Secondary school and college/polytechnic.

My memory of the songs during those times were a mingled mish-mash of anything and everything from classical pieces to hard-core heavy metal music. Every now and then, I come across these songs on the radio (from the 'ah-pek' stations, some say) and it never fails to bring about bittersweet memories for me.

Let me list a few songs of different genres that I have deep impressions of from that age.

  • Gonna make you sweat - C&C Music Factory

    This was THE piece for any reputable disco goer! Haha! I still remember the way my friends used to crank up the radio in anticipation of the signature "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!" introduction line of this song. Cool!

  • Everything I do, I do it for you - Bryan Adams

    For most people of my age, this is a song which would probably be the one that was playing when they had their first romantic dance with a girl. This sabo piece was always played during get-togethers and parties to get couples and would-be couples to dance together.

    *Did you also notice that these kinds of songs are always played/requested by those who have no partners at the parties? Haha!

  • Don't Cry - Guns 'n' Roses

    Not forgetting us rockers, we always had GNR to rock to! In this case, Mr. Rose and company gave us not only a dose but TWO doses of this fantastic (slow) rock piece! There were two versions of Don't Cry and each was available on each of the two Use Your Illusion albums from GNR.

  • U Can't Touch This - MC Hammer

    Ok, think baggy pants. Think super duper, big balls baggy pants! Hahah! Yup! Hammer with this rap song that er, got me interested in rap music. *faints*

    Ya, I was digging him before Vanilla Ice came into the scene. Thinking back, both were equally disastrous in their choice of wardrobe and image. Hammer with his big balls pants, and Vanilla Ice even more so with his 'kuey-tao'1 on top of his equally big balls pants with the America flag print!!

What were your favourites during that period of time?

I think everyone will have a different list of songs that they fancied - but one thing will be the same. I am sure everyone will agree that songs played a big part of our teenage years.

* Courtesy of Radio.Blog.Club
1 Chicken head
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Best of Best Tau Sar Piah
Monday, September 25, 2006
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I arrived, I queued, I waited, for 35 FUCKING minutes, from queue number 17 to number 7, but I did not buy.




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Crab Hunting at Florina Beach
Friday, September 22, 2006
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It's been some time since I last updated on our Maple Story progress.

Nabenabe is semi-retirement liao... Janet's busy with K-dramas and sewing dresses for Valerie and herself. So it is stuck at level 57.

I think Jeff is at level 58 with slayer70, Eddie is at level 52/53 with Dinoputt, and Eugene's Jumas is at level 46.

As for mine, Vandyke is at level 56, and mucking around Florina Beach hitting at crabs! Heheh!
Crab hunting at Florina Beach

Sadly though, I did not chance upon any Korean Fan drops there. Duh!

Mr. Chua has also decided to try his hand at Maple Story, though his character was created in Aquila instead of at Bootes. WTF!

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nabe-nabe.com update
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
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nabe-nabe.com gets a new start page .

Screenshot updated on 19 Sep 2006

Simple and... SIMPLE. Just simple and just the way I like it. *smuck*

A few new photos have been added to the gallery. Check them out.

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Recently, I have been checking out Radio Blog Club. The site offers free-to-play songs, searchable from what seems like a mountain of songs that they have.

If you were to complete a simple (and free) registration, you will be able to add songs to your playlist and listen to them later. The streams are generally very stable even on my office's crappy Internet connection.

You can see a permanent link to my personal playlist on the right column of this site, right under the RadioBlogClub chicklet. Or you may also go to http://www.radioblogclub.com/fav/0/1114693/0 direct.

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iPod Nano Remastered
Monday, September 18, 2006
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I read from Little Dowager's blog this morning about the new, remastered iPod Nano from Apple.

Grrr!!! Now no extra $$$. Sianz ½!

View the official advert here.

I think blue is nice!

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The Alien Invasion
Thursday, September 14, 2006
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After a long long lifetime of watching movies where aliens attack western cultures (more specifically, AMERICA), wouldn't it be nice to finally watch one that has aliens attacking Asia instead?

Richmanclub Studios presents The Alien Invasion - an absurd movie of a galactic war, between the aliens and us Asians! Haha! No, no more we are the Americans and we save America, save the world bullshit!

The best thing about this digital short film is that it is available on a couple of platforms - iPod, PSP, Smart Phones/PDAs, 3G Phones, and online viewing on your PC!! Phew!!

I'm downloading now so I can watch on my N70 on the way to campus. 92MB for a 'high-quality' WMV version for PDAs and a 83MB MP4 version for iPods and my N70! wah! I hope it is worth the download.


Back from Desaru
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
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Why no updates since I returned from Desaru? Ha! I was unfortunate enough to injure my back TWICE in two days! So, I had to rest at home on Monday and Tuesday. Ouch!!

So, I had no choice but to go down to Chinatown to get my back rubbed and man-handled by some guys...ouch ouch!!



The trip to Desaru over the weekend was ok. The food was a little on the lousy side and the lack of an automobile to our disposal meant that we were stuck with either the food at the restaurant in the hotel, or the food from the small stall just beside the chalet further down the road.

Some pictures from the trip can be found here.

Desaru-Pengerang International Long Distance Triathlon
Kim Hong finished 9th overall for his age group category and was the 4th Singaporean triathlete to complete the course for that category.*

* This should be accurate. I only had a glance at the results but this should be very close, if not accurate.

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To Desaru
Thursday, September 07, 2006
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Almost time to knock off... off for my short break in Desaru! We will be leaving Singapore on Friday morning at around 1030hrs, and will be back on Sunday.

Meanwhile... you guys be good!

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Death of the Croc Hunter
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
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~ Steve Irwin (February 22, 1962 – September 4, 2006) ~

The loss of Steve Irwin is shocking and sad to a lot of people.

He was probably more famous than the Prime Minister of Australia. Most of the kids who watched Discovery Channel should know him well. I know my kids do.

He will be missed but his works and conservation efforts never forgotten.

Goodbye Steve and God bless his family!

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List of weird shit to do
Monday, September 04, 2006
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This is going to dip my position on the popularity charts with the ladies... er, HA! As if I have A LOT of female readers (or male for that matter)!! Bleah!

Here is my list of favourite weird things to do.
  • Good vibrations
    I like the feeling of my teeth clattering whenever the bus (or any vehicle I am in) vibrates when it is in a stationary position with the engine running.

    Throw in the ticklish feeling of your earwax being slowly vibrated out of your ear, wah simply shiok!

  • Exotic Aromatherapy
    The smell of my fart when it comes out warm. Hmm.... careful when it comes out wet and warm though.

    (C'mon!! I'm a man! Heheheh!)

  • Getting Corny
    Cutting away corns on my feet and hands!

    These guys get pretty annoying once they get to a certain size. The dead skin becomes hard and I tend to develop a habit to start feeling and scratching them. Cutting them off with a nail clipper always soothes and smooths EVERYTHING!

  • I read, I read, and I read!
    Reading a paragraph in a book many times over. The idea is to see how many times I can repeat reading a paragraph before getting real sick of it.

  • Nostril Deforestation
    You know those longer-than-others nostril hairs that stick out? Well, I like to pull them out using only my index finger and thumb! This usually makes me tear but it is a strange and nice feeling when you see that long and an eyesore of a hair getting up-rooted.


    Ha! There you go!! Heheheheh!

  • More Deforestation
    I like to pull hair out of moles too! Just can't wait till the next hair-ling starts to grow out of the middle of this particular mole on my arm... Hahah!


What weird shit do you fancy? Deh!


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Kluang visit
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Congratulations to Kim Hong and Alvin!
They came in 2nd in the Subaru Action Asia Challenge Race held in Singapore on 3 September 2006.

Read all about it here.

Must get KH to give treat liao...hahah!

I am back from Kluang and feeling all achy.

Short clip from the trek.

The old joints are creaky and making noise with every step that I take. Gunung Lambak's ascend is much tougher than expected. I would say it was steeper than Bukit Teresek at Taman Negara.

At the top of Gunung Lambak
It was hot and humid over the weekend at Kluang. Not much clouds in the sky. We were quite sticky after spending about 10 minutes outside.

We had the chance to visit a vegetable farm and 'bought' lots of greens (well, M's sister and mum refused to take our money for these). It was an enjoyable trip, thanks to our good host and friend M. Thanks also to nephy for the ride there and back!

My flickr.com set is available for viewing at http://www.flickr.com/photos/94687482@N00/sets/72157594267320555/.

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Twang twang! Goes the F***ing music...
Friday, September 01, 2006
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At approximately 1711hrs, that fellow in my office finally switched off the stupid Persian/Peruvian/Indian/Egyptian/...watdafuckuwannacallit music he has been 'piping' F.O.C. throughout the day.


I am surprised no one made noise about this all afternoon! >.<
(Ok, I'm just too annoyed to care. There's a major problem from one of our customers...)

Oh shit! Just when I thought he'd switched it off... here it comes again!! This time I am bloody sure it's Bollywood stuff. KNN!

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