List of weird shit to do
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This is going to dip my position on the popularity charts with the ladies... er, HA! As if I have A LOT of female readers (or male for that matter)!! Bleah!
Here is my list of favourite weird things to do.
- Good vibrations
I like the feeling of my teeth clattering whenever the bus (or any vehicle I am in) vibrates when it is in a stationary position with the engine running.
Throw in the ticklish feeling of your earwax being slowly vibrated out of your ear, wah simply shiok!
- Exotic Aromatherapy
The smell of my fart when it comes out warm. Hmm.... careful when it comes out wet and warm though.
(C'mon!! I'm a man! Heheheh!)
- Getting Corny
Cutting away corns on my feet and hands!
These guys get pretty annoying once they get to a certain size. The dead skin becomes hard and I tend to develop a habit to start feeling and scratching them. Cutting them off with a nail clipper always soothes and smooths EVERYTHING!
- I read, I read, and I read!
Reading a paragraph in a book many times over. The idea is to see how many times I can repeat reading a paragraph before getting real sick of it.
- Nostril Deforestation
You know those longer-than-others nostril hairs that stick out? Well, I like to pull them out using only my index finger and thumb! This usually makes me tear but it is a strange and nice feeling when you see that long and an eyesore of a hair getting up-rooted.
Ha! There you go!! Heheheheh!
- More Deforestation
I like to pull hair out of moles too! Just can't wait till the next hair-ling starts to grow out of the middle of this particular mole on my arm... Hahah!
What weird shit do you fancy? Deh!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com