Maple Story SEA v0.34
Surfing By : Link
Audio : Listen
The patch from 0.33 to 0.34 was a BIG PAIN IN THE ASS!! Yup! All 61MB+ of it!!
It screwed my 0.33 installation and thank goodness I had a backup copy of that to re-install with! Jeez!! 0.34 introduced several interesting stuff which you can read here.
Well, after the patch and all the disconnection problems surfacing, many people could not get a line into the MS servers, so it was quite quiet around the towns for a while when I got in.
After getting about 10 orihalcon ore drops, 2 white t-shirts and 2 wooden clubs, I got a Blue Tai from the Dark Stone Golems! Hehehe! Useless to me but it was a Level 60 item nonetheless. Besides, I had been hunting at Sleepywood Dungeon for way too long without a decent drop. Sniper pots don't count right!?!? Bleah!
The introduction of the new (maybe not so new as I heard that KMS/GMS already had this long ago) beginner skills and the addition of the Monster Piece drop from Gachapon machines top my list of 'GOODIES' for this versional upgrade!
Here's a screenshot of the beginner skills

Oh, and did you check out the Ranking pages on the Maple SEA webby? MrYandao is tops (as expected) at Level 185 o.0
P/S: CTM is in DA HOUSE! Hahah! Finally, he has decided to come over to Bootes!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com