One more before I go on leave
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Ok people! Just one more post before I go for my trip! Haha!
There will not be any updates until 6 June 2006 (unless I can get Internet access in the forest!!!).
See ya!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
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Leaving on Thursday and I have yet to pack my bag!! Haha! Lazy me!
Kenny Sia has already reviewed the LG Chocolate. Yummy! But when will I have a chance to finally hold it? Sigh...
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
A short work day
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It is a relatively short work day today.
In the morning, there was a fire drill carried out by the building's management. Every one had to like clear the building in the shortest time possible. I had breakfast and returned to the building just in time for the drill. Haha! I did not have to walk down the stairs with the others.
A difference between having a fire drill here and back at Equity Plaza (aka old office). Everyone was 'issued' with a packet drink after the drill but over here at Paya Lebar, no such thing. The Fire Safety Officer (what he is called) was trying to catch everyone's attention by using the megaphone.. seems useless to me. No one seemed to be able to hear him! Ha! Anyway, everything was back to normal in just a couple of minutes. Beginning to end, the drill took about 10 minutes.
After lunch, it will be another 1 hour before I have to leave for Capitol Tower. Staff meeting today followed by TGIF event at one of the pubs. I have been missing quite a few of these already, so, I thought I should show up... haha!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Walk behind the line
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There is this line, a fine but clear line, that everyone must learn to keep to. A line where a person's patience and tolerance is worn thin as a thread. Tripping or crossing that line is never a good idea.
Then, there is this kind of person, shitty as fuck, who simply can not resist testing the limits of this line. Crossing it has always been on his mind, but simply wearing it thin to the limits is what he seems to enjoy more. This person pokes at the line in different ways, and the most irritating thing is that he is always given a leeway for his actions.
Pampered, that's what you call such a person. Fucking pampered, stupid fuck of a person. He needs to be taught where he stands in the social pyramid/circle and be taught that in this story of life, he alone MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. No one gives two hoots who he is, what he does, and whether or not he looks like 'Kermit' or is he going for his fucking honeymoon - except maybe his over-pampering mother.
He needs to understand that he is just one tiny little fuck right here in this world together with the rest of us. And he had better learn to behave and accept that the world DOES NOT have to go the way he wants it to.
Crossing my line was the last thing he could have done. No man, especially not when he has gotten too personal in his words. He can speak to his mother this way, he can speak to his siblings like this too, but no, NOT TO ME. I am someone who believes in RESPECT FOR RESPECT. Don't expect respect from me just because you are an elder in the family.
You want me to respect you? Show that you deserve that respect first! You crossed my line when you said those words to me. Fuck you asshole! Don't expect any bit of respect from me! Shithead!
Just go for your fucking 'honeymoon' and stop your barking!
My apologies to my friends and readers. Just needed to vent my anger on a particular 'Kermit' person I know of - else I explode! Don't take offence at the language used please! Thanks!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Think of a domain name
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I mentioned here that I will be moving my photo gallery to a different web host. I guess I have more or less decided on which host to use.
To me (for my current requirements), SGD5.00 per month is a reasonable amount of money to pay for the web space, considering I am getting my OWN DOMAIN NAME, storage space for my pages/images/files/etc., unlimited email accounts... Bottomline is, it is definitely cheaper than my current one and what's more, it gives me my own domain name! Haha! Don't know if their service is reliable... got to try to find out!
Anyway, I am trying to come up with a nice domain name for my site. Do you have any suggestions for me? Stuff I expect to be hosting there include a photo gallery, a mini-wiki board, this blog (maybe).
If you are interested to find out more about this web hosting company, you can visit their website here. Please note that I am in no way affilliated or connected to them!
Your use of their service(s) is entirely up to your own discretion and I shall not be held responsible for any problems that you might encounter with them.
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Getting ready for Taman Negara
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It is now slightly more than a week before we set off for Taman Negara, and there are lots of stuff I have to take care of before we leave.
There are presentations to finish in the office, meet-the-parents sessions at the kids' schools to attend, things to buy in preparation for the trip, and definitely more that I must have forgotten already! Haha!
Busy, busy, busy!
Things I have yet to buy for the trip:- AA-sized batteries x 8
- AAA-sized batteries x 4
- Janet's sandals (Chaco or Source brands still available in Singapore? Anyone?)
New DSLR Camera forget it! Ha!- <reserved>
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An update on our Maple Story advancements. We have all moved on since acquiring our new jobs at Level 30. The warriors seem to be having a hard time moving forward. Work hard fellows! Levels 50+ should see you guys having more fun! Most of us are between levels 37-40 now, with the exception of WSF and Carebear. I think Carebear already Level 50 liao! Jumas is advancing very quickly too!
While shopping around the Free Market yesterday, I came across a number of 'older' gamers, mostly between 27-40 years old... proof that MS is not just for the kids!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
My desktop
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Not in the mood to work today... ha! Feeling 'bor-liao' so I thought it would be even more 'bor-liao' to share with you what's on my desk right now...
Like it or not...
Things on my desk: There! Now you must be feeling as bored as me! Hahah!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
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I've been reading up a bit on haiku recently.
The experience I got from reading these verses are somewhat engaging, and yet relaxing. While trying to visualize the scene from a verse, you are 'transported' into its mini-world.
To better understand the differences between hokku, haikai and haiku, the Wikipedia article on haiku will help a lot.
Classical hokku verses by Matsuo Bashō 松尾芭蕉
古池や蛙飛込む水の音 Furu ike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto an old pond— the sound of a frog jumping into water
初しぐれ猿も小蓑をほしげ也 Hatsu shigure saru mo komino wo hoshige nari the first cold shower; even the monkey seems to want a little coat of straw.
Modern haiku by Shiki, Masaoka 正岡子規I want to sleep Swat the flies Softly, please.
After killing a spider, how lonely I feel in the cold of night!
For love and for hate I swat a fly and offer it to an ant.
Traditionally (and I think it still is), haiku verses written in the Japanese language have to follow a rule of having 3 phrases (or less?) and consisting of 5-7-5 syllables in each phrase accordingly.
A (really bad) example by me...
The Sun shines on us Makes us sweat we curse and swear Lousy May weather. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My stomach growls loud Full of stuff that needs to go And so I farted.
Hahahahaha! That was waaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooo uncouth!!! Shiki will DEFINITELY turn in the grave!!! Heheh!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Vesak Weekend
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Valerie took her last paper for the mid-year exams today. And boy, will she be relieved after this! Haha!
This is also the last working day for the week for most of us (5-day workers) in Singapore. Friday, 12th May, is Vesak Day, and it is a holiday! Woah! Yet another long weekend for us!
Samsung D520 - Image from www.samsung.com.sg I might be going to the temple tonight. Hopefully, I can capture some nice pictures of the lights and procession. Have to get my camera warmed up for the coming trip in June!
After lunch today, I was at Kovan when I came across an upcoming phone from Samsung - the D520. *drool*
This is a slim slide-up phone, and though memory expansions are not available (per specifications available), its slim factor more than makes up for it! I know people will argue that Motorola's V3i series is only 11.5mm thin...yayaya... I totally agree, and I am not saying that the D520's the slimmest anyway! Heeh! I like the design of the D520, simple as that.
Oh, and have you tasted the Chocolate yet?
Boy am I getting the influence of Korean dramas or what!!!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Hitting the road again
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Freaky weather! It was warm in the morning and then it suddenly rained at around 1230hrs. Right this moment (1441hrs), it is hot like hell. Siao! How not to get sick?! Aahh...
This June holidays, the family will be going to Malaysia (again?!) for a trip. Our last holiday there was a road trip about 2 years back. We drove from Johor Bahru all the way to Cameron Highlands, back to Kuala Lumpur and then back to Singapore by train. Along the way, we stopped by Mount Ophir (Gunung Ledang), Malacca and Genting Highlands. That was pretty much a trip up the 'gunungs'.
This time round, we are planning to go to the National Park - Taman Negara. Taman Negara is home to the oldest rainforest in the world. Hmm... wonder if we can find Treebeard walking in the forest! Haha!
Things I would like to see/do/visit:- Walk the Canopy Walk
- Hit the Jungle Trails
- Find a Rafflesia
- Smell some guano
- Have fun in the river
Things I would rather miss:- Leeches
- Ticks
- Cannibals <-- ok, there aren't any there ok!
- Getting sick in the forest
- Running out of clean water for drinking
- Experiencing cleaning my arse with leaves/grass after taking a dump in the forest (Taking a dump out in the forest is cool... kinky even, but hell, I need proper 'cleaning tools'! *yah, dream on!*)
So, here is our plan - roughly.
Singapore -> Johor Bahru | Bus, MRT, Foot | Johor Bahru -> Jerantut | Express Train | Jerantut -> Kuala Tahan | Boat | Kuala Tahan -> Hotel/Resort/Camp | Van/Bus/Boat/Foot/?? |
We will be gone for about 4-5 days and by the sixth or seventh day, if no one has heard from either of us, please send a search party! Heeheehee!
Sorry to bro Calvin! Next time round I will include you if I organize! fugshttp://fugs.blogspot.com
Gallery News
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I am presently looking into migrating my online photography gallery to a different server (provider). Therefore, I will not be updating my gallery from now till October or so. This is to allow for migration to the new server, if I decide to switch.
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Recently, I bought (yet another) Jay Chou disc. This time, it is a MV DVD. Not bad a buy at SGD16.50. I got a MV DVD bundled with a 2-track EP.
The title track "霍元甲" makes a nice track to exercise with - I guess. This disc consists of the tracks from his album "十一月的萧邦" (November's Chopin) and my current favouritest track is "珊瑚海" (Coral Sea), performed by Jay and Lara Veronin Liang (Wiki/Xanga) from <<南拳妈妈>>. The combination of their voices sounded good to me and the MV was nicely done. Simple and nice.
Janet prefers Jay's voice in his previous albums, and to a certain degree, I agree too. On some tracks, the 'new' singing style of Jay is a little too 'forced' and maybe a little too much for some who have been used to his previous style (e.g. in "枫", he sounded almost surreal and voiced-over!). Bah!
Now that the General Elections is over here in Singapore, I would like to appeal to all my friends, relatives and enemies - PLEASE STOP SENDING ME MR BROWN'S PODCAST ON BAK CHOR MEE MAI TER KUA!!!
I have received like 10+ emails with this podcast as attachments in the last week alone!!! Aarrgghhhh! For goodness sake, I do visit his blog (I'm a regular) and I have heard this! So, please, I have had enough 'bak chor mee mai ter kua'. THANK YOU! :)
The Progress Thus Far
Surfing By : Link
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Most of us have taken our 2nd job advancement quests. Even EO has completed his and become an 'assassin'. My friend 'Jumas' is still at level 29, going to 30. Go! Go! Go! Haha!
For all of us, it will be another gruelling 40 levels before we can take the 3rd job advancement quests. This is at level 70 and it is one hell of a lot more game experience points to go!
Still no sign of 7gxar... hey, where are you? How's that re-furbished PC?
Cough, cough, cough!
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Shit! I'm still having that fucking cough and my innards are feeling like bloated chunks of pig-chow. Just yesterday, I started having chills and last evening, I had a slight fever. Still got it early this morning at around 0600hrs. The Biogesic I took probably stopped the fever and chills for a while.
Just after lunch now and the chills seem to be coming back - weak but still chilly. Got to pop some Biogesics soon!