Walk behind the line
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There is this line, a fine but clear line, that everyone must learn to keep to. A line where a person's patience and tolerance is worn thin as a thread. Tripping or crossing that line is never a good idea.
Then, there is this kind of person, shitty as fuck, who simply can not resist testing the limits of this line. Crossing it has always been on his mind, but simply wearing it thin to the limits is what he seems to enjoy more. This person pokes at the line in different ways, and the most irritating thing is that he is always given a leeway for his actions.
Pampered, that's what you call such a person. Fucking pampered, stupid fuck of a person. He needs to be taught where he stands in the social pyramid/circle and be taught that in this story of life, he alone MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. No one gives two hoots who he is, what he does, and whether or not he looks like 'Kermit' or is he going for his fucking honeymoon - except maybe his over-pampering mother.
He needs to understand that he is just one tiny little fuck right here in this world together with the rest of us. And he had better learn to behave and accept that the world DOES NOT have to go the way he wants it to.
Crossing my line was the last thing he could have done. No man, especially not when he has gotten too personal in his words. He can speak to his mother this way, he can speak to his siblings like this too, but no, NOT TO ME. I am someone who believes in RESPECT FOR RESPECT. Don't expect respect from me just because you are an elder in the family.
You want me to respect you? Show that you deserve that respect first! You crossed my line when you said those words to me. Fuck you asshole! Don't expect any bit of respect from me! Shithead!
Just go for your fucking 'honeymoon' and stop your barking!
My apologies to my friends and readers. Just needed to vent my anger on a particular 'Kermit' person I know of - else I explode! Don't take offence at the language used please! Thanks!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com