Vesak Weekend
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Valerie took her last paper for the mid-year exams today. And boy, will she be relieved after this! Haha!
This is also the last working day for the week for most of us (5-day workers) in Singapore. Friday, 12th May, is Vesak Day, and it is a holiday! Woah! Yet another long weekend for us!
Samsung D520 - Image from www.samsung.com.sg I might be going to the temple tonight. Hopefully, I can capture some nice pictures of the lights and procession. Have to get my camera warmed up for the coming trip in June!
After lunch today, I was at Kovan when I came across an upcoming phone from Samsung - the D520. *drool*
This is a slim slide-up phone, and though memory expansions are not available (per specifications available), its slim factor more than makes up for it! I know people will argue that Motorola's V3i series is only 11.5mm thin...yayaya... I totally agree, and I am not saying that the D520's the slimmest anyway! Heeh! I like the design of the D520, simple as that.
Oh, and have you tasted the Chocolate yet?
Boy am I getting the influence of Korean dramas or what!!!
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