A walk by the river
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恭喜发财! Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Lanterns by the river. It's been like six days since the last entry here and, woah!!! What a busy week it has been! Last minute shopping, marketing and spring cleaning!
How did you spend your holiday? Did you collect a lot of ang bao? For us, it was pretty much a routine, except that this year, we visited the Singapore River Ang Bao (or something like that... don't know lah!).
Lovely Pavillion We reached there on Monday evening after dinner and by that time, it was already packed! As usual, there were quite a lot of lanterns and other 'light-bulbed' artifacts.
Praise and Worship session? While walking around, we saw many people reaching their hands up in the air. Wah lau! I thought some Praise and Worship session going on. Duh! Luckily, it was not. Just some of us Singaporeans reaching out for some luck - sprouting out from the palms of the imposing paper/plastic statue of the God of Fortune. Raise your hands for my
spit gold flakes!
Of course, the evening's trip could not be concluded without some 'celebrity' presence yah!?!? Ok, here's the person we met who is already a 'celebrity' in many sense though he did not personally set out to be one - Venerable Shi Ming Yi (释明义法师) Venerable Shi Ming Yi (CEO, Renci Hospital Medicare Centre)
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新年到,新年到! 买东西,都要钱。 包红包,也要钱。 没有的,就是钱! 过新年,SIBEI SIAN!
Did you know that the Chinese Lunar New Year is nigh?!?
A birthday dinner
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Uncle Francis having a nice chomp! Every year, near the Chinese New Year period, I will get invited to a birthday dinner - my godfather's.
My godfather celebrates his birthday approximately 1 week before the CNY. Hence, there is usually a nice warm feel to his birthday celebrations. People are mostly in a 'feel-good' mood due to the proximity to the festival. My godfather(Uncle Paul), a.k.a. Birthday Boy
Anyway, this year's dinner was held (again) in a VIP room in a Chinese restaurant, situated in Furama Hotel. It seems one of my uncles is a frequent customer here and, apparently knows the people there well... therefore, it's my guess that it was his suggestion that the dinner be held here.
Dinner was a nice and generous serving of fine Chinese delicacies and I shall not indulge too much in describing it lest I get hunger pangs!! Hahah! My Godma's mum.
Being the one who has been showing interest in the field of photography, I was 'arrowed' to be the photographer for the evening (Thank you hor Agnes! Just came back from Holland already 'tekan' me liao! Heheheheh!).
My mum and all her siblings Ok, fact is that I did not have my camera with me that evening, and had to borrow Calvin's. Therefore, the pictures were kind of taken in an unsure state. Bah! Excuses, excuses, excuses!! Hahah!
To cut the grandmother story short - family gatherings may seem a bore to some, but, there will come a time when people are gone, then you start to miss them. Then, it will all be too late. Think about it.
Please find some of the pictures (if you haven't already done so!!!) peppered all over this post. They are also available over at my flickr album.
Cheerios dudes!
Lazy Afternoons
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Office empty, feeling sleepy.
That pretty much summed up the day so far - apart from the short meeting we had this morning.
Bored? So go have your senses cut!
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Boredom can adversely affect how a person thinks, reacts and functions.
Let's see what boredom has done to me...
A haircut that will free your mind... I was in Lorong Ah Soo on Saturday morning and was walking around looking at things that were put up for sale in the 'Chinatown in Hougang'.
Suddenly, this hair dressing salon caught my attention. It had the most interesting name for a salon that I've ever come across - SENSES CUT.
What the hell?!?! No offence to the owner but, what the fuck was going through his/her mind when deciding for this name?! (Maybe aMie can provide some insider info since this is her 'home ground')...hehehe!
So, I will expect to walk in to the salon, and ask to have my 'senses' cut but a stylist! Interesting!!
. . Common Sense --> S$10 (nett) Cow Sense --> S$25 and up! Sixth Sense --> S$45 and up!
This month's special!!! Nonsense --> FOC!!!
Yah... I know, that was LAME!!! So?!
Tiu leh lah! Hurhurhur!
From the post above, I'm sure you can tell I'm bored crazy! Oh and to the owner of the shop (if you read this)... I'm sure you will not mind letting me use this little bit about your shop to ease my boredom will ya?!?!? Hmm??
Goodbye Joe, you gotta go...
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Friday, after a long, loooong week. Let's recount what we did... hmm, I guess let's just forget it!
Today is Joe's last day with us. One more guy down from the original group of us from the old company. But, the chess game still goes on... well?!?
It is slightly more than a week to go before the Chinese New Year. Have you done your shopping yet?
We are almost done with ours. We will just need to go get some canned longans/lychees/rambutans/pineapples, peanuts, dried cuttlefish crisps, CNY kueh, etc. The usual stuff.
This year's CNY eve 'family-gathering' meal (团圆饭) will be cooked by yours truly. There will be a change of our usual practise. Usually, we will eat together at home for lunch and go over to my mum's for dinner. This year, we will have our gathering meal in the morning. Initially, I wanted to cook mixed abalone, prawn and scallop porridge but my mother-in-law told us that it was not too good to have porridge on such an auspicious occasion. Hence, I will have to crack my head to think of something. The first thing that comes to mind - Spaghetti.
We'll see when the time is nearer... see what I can find at the market!
Lelong also no one wants!
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Recently, I tried to sell off a photo book of Aaron Kwok for my wife. She bought it in 1995 and has since not even cast a glance at it. I decided to sell it off at ebay but no, it did not manage to sell.
I guess Aaron's way out-of-date nowadays! Hahaha!
Anyway, I am trying my luck with Yahoo! Auctions. If all fails, I will bundle the Aaron Kwok photo book with the bulk of old newspapers I have to sell to the karang guni man. That should sell! Haha!
The title of the book is Reality. Hurhur! Reflects very much on the whole idea of idol-worship.
You star-chase, then you scrimp and save to buy CDs, posters, photo books, and other memorabilia. You grow up, get attached, married, have kids, and you start finding that this was all a big waste of money and time...
REALITY indeed... haiz!
Gmail not available
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Don't know why, but I haven't been able to connect to Gmail all morning... this sucks! @#$!@%#$%@^@@#!
Gadget-siao people!!! See here!!! Surfing by NoHoldsBar, I came across this keyboard. Oh man!! It looks yummy, but I can't be bothered to check out if it is for real or not!! Haha!
CNY and the weather
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It rained (again) this afternoon. After a hot and stuffy morning, it rained. It might as well not rain at all! Bloody hell made it stuffier than usual.
Somehow, the feeling of Chinese New Year (CNY) has always been stronger for me than that of Christmas or the New Year (1st Jan). Just don't know why...
I guess I can safely say that with CNY, the feeling of celebration is stronger for me than any other festivals. However, there are certain things that I will be more than happy to do without during CNY!
For example,- CNY Songs
One or two CNY songs by Long Piao Piao or others is ok to bring on the CNY mood, but if it is a couple of VCDs of the gongs and chinese trumpets...WAH LAU!!!
- Freaky Weather
As usual, the weather is always freaky during CNY period. It does not rain or shine, it either pours or bakes.
- Seasonal Illnesses
Coughs, sore throats, flu, fever, mouth ulcers, etc. Just a simple mix of the 'possibilities' of your yearly dose of seasonal illnesses!
- Shops Closed
During CNY, most places are like ghost towns here in Singapore. Your meal options are fast food or Kopitiam - and the menus have all been adjusted upwards!
Shopping is definitely out of the question too! Ha!
Procrastination is not good.
I guess I will have to start working on stopping it from tomorrow onwards... if possible... if I have the time... Later dudes.
I Zap, uZap!
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In case you haven't read about this already... Something funnyhilarious by the ever-so-funny Kenny of kennysia.com to cool off a bit from the 'fury' of the Singaporean blogosphere. A parody/spoof of the OSIM ad for the uZap.
Excerpt:Flip open the papers, walk down the stores. Everywhere we go these days we're constantly being bombarded by hundreds and thousands of weight loss ads. Marie France, Mayfair Bodyline, Slimming Sanctuary, Unisense... [...more].
Read it here. Oh, and please try not to split your sides! Hahaha!
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Wah... the Singaporean Blogosphere is heating up! Spicy, spicy, spicy! That's just as well for a cold month this January has been! :-)
Lots of words/posts/allegations/accusations/hate sites (see here)/blahblahblah have been flying around - here, there, everywhere!
Just this morning, I thought I saw a post up on tomorrow.sg by starryluvly, pointing to one of XLX's posts titled "Xiaxue - The Exposé". A while later, the post was mysteriously removed. Hmm. Funny!
I thought I must be getting old, forgetful and imagining things, when I could not see it there anymore - but luckily for geekgeek's screenshot, I have proven that I am not! Phew! Fuck lah! Scare me only!
And the show goes on...
Black Disc
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Mysterious Black Disc Ok, I am suah ku, ignorant, and stupid. AND clearly also very kay-poh as well!
But can someone tell me what the fuck are these black discs that you can find at your block's first floor lift lobbies? You can also see them outside of utility rooms at some blocks of flats as well.
Some people suggested to me that this is probably for security checks (?!) or something related to the cleaning companies that are responsible for cleaning the blocks.
Any other suggestions or even someone with the definite answer to satisfy my kaypohcurious mind?
Bah haha!
Rain, rain, go away...
A Teochew Lullaby
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Recently, the kids got interested in a Teochew lullaby. It is titled "Orh Ah Orh" (or maybe it is "Ong Ah Ong??). Valerie, Lucas and Chu Hui have been mumbling this whenever they go into one of their noisy singing sessions. Haha!
Coincidentally, you can also hear Hong Hui Fang singing this in the MediaCorp Raintree Pictures' horror movie, The Maid.
*** 呵呀呵 (Click here if you can not view Chinese text.)
呵呀呵,呵金贡; 金贡仔做老爹,阿文阿武来担靴; 担浮浮,阿奴养鸡大过牛; 黄牛生马仔,马仔生珍珠; 珍珠弄弄圆,阿谢读书付科期; 去哩草鞋撑雨伞,来哩白马挂金鞍。 ***
Note:The lyrics and/or translations may not be 100% accurate! Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I will try to get my hands on an MP3 version of the song if possible. :-)
Russell Lee
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Russell Lee looking black and mysterious... We were at Hougang Mall for dinner earlier this evening. Usually, I would give 'foodcourt' food a miss, but the 'char kway teow' at the foodcourt in Hougang Mall is really nice! Give it a try if you are there!
After dinner, we decided to hang around the mall as it was Friday and the kids have had a traumatisingnice first week in school. On the third (correct me if I am wrong) floor, there is this Popular Bookstore, so we headed for it.
Janet and Anna were busy selecting posters for the kids' rooms while I was busy 'kaypoh-ing' near the entrance of the store. There was an autograph session going on, and the guest was Russell Lee (of True Singapore Ghost Stories fame).
Now, tell me, are these similar to RL's?
So there he was, looking ever so mysterious, in his black hat, black hood, black jacket, black heart, black gloves, black pants, black underwear, black shoes. Oh... and he signs his autographs in BLACK too... dur! WTF! This is way too corny!
The 'assistants' were dressed in black T-shirts with the letters "RL" boldly printed in white at the front. From far, I thought that Ralph Lauren was promoting a new fragrance again. And the caps they were wearing resembled caps from "No Fear" - you know, the red devilish eyes and stuff...?!?! haha!
Sandralicious and Scandalicious
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Surfing by: Sandrapowerpuff Sandralicious' blog.
I was going around my usual reads on Singaporean blogs when I decided to stop by Sandralicious', which I have not read in a while.
By mistake, I typed http://sandrapowderpuff.blogspot.com instead of http://sandrapowerpuff.blogspot.com. Hmm... started wondering why Sandra's blog's header image had the word 'censored' on it...
On reading the posts, I noticed that they were not in Sandra's usual style and the posts were mainly taking aim at XX.
All these made me take a closer look at the site. Then I realized that the site title on the browser actually said "Scandalicious" instead of "Sandralicious". Haha! OK! That was tricky, whoever it was that set up the site!! Heeheehee! :-)
I believe this might be old news to some but it is definitely something new for me to discover! Hur!
Here fishy, fishy!
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Internal Re-organization.
I have been 're-positioned' to a new team, and this means I have to move 'cubicles'... my new team members are all managers.
I'm like a little fishy swimming in the company of sharks now. *shudders*
One can only wonder how long more before he gets swallowed up.
Of estate upgrades and elections
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Recently, I received a notification from the Town Council for the HDB estate I am staying in, informing that there will be installation works going on in the month of January. This is something that many people in the neighbourhood have been looking forward to.
Here's the story.
Fernvale is situated on the outskirts of Seng Kang. Surrounding the three estates that are currently there, are nothing more than trees, grass fields and private houses (most of which are not more than 2 storeys high). As such, you can expect Fernvale to be a pretty windy place - and WINDY it sure is!
On rainy days, the rain water will be blown right into the flats and even if you kept your wooden doors closed, the water will collect and seep from under them!
Residents have written in to the town council and the HDB to request for something to be done and there was a pilot project where a select few units were installed with 'blinds' right along the corridors to test for usefulness.
After much dialogue and discussions between MPs, residents, the authorities, etc., the decision has finally been made to install 'rain blinds' along the corridor for ALL units that are affected by the seasonal heavy rain and strong winds. All these after almost two years of waiting! Hooray!!!
Yep! This sounds great, but I am beginning to suspect if this had anything to do with the impending General Elections that are widely speculated to take place sometime in March 2006? Let me see... my mum's place just had their lift lobbies re-tiled and whole estate given a fresh coat of paint... my friend's estate just had a major project completed... they had sheltered linkways linking all the blocks built! Oh, and the white elephantBuangkok MRT station will be opening on 15th January 2006 as well... Hmm... :-)
In any case, I am happy that I have finally got what I wanted. Luckily, I did not proceed to install a blind there myself! Nothing wasted!! Heheheh! Damn heng!
PS: I know I have been writing a lot about HDB-related stuff... but what the hell!!! Heheheh!
Made in Malaysia Robot
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Surfing by: Kennysia.com A site by Kenny Sia.
I just had to insert this! Haha! It's funny!
Ok people, dig this... the Made-in-Malaysia Robot! It comes with all the works... Darth Vader eyes, loudspeaker boobs and more! I wonder if Johnny had anything to do with its creation!
Read it at kennysia.com!
Back to the routines
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Jam, jam, JAM!!! Back to reality. Back to the routines. Back to the dreaded traffic jams every morning! Ha ha, hur hur and welcome 2006!! Yea!?!? WTF!
Lucas will start school only tomorrow as the first two days of school has been 'reserved' for the Nursery children. He has been asking us when he will be going back to school, but we suspect he is not really looking forward to that!
Valerie on the other hand, started school on Tuesday. BrightDark and early (0615hrs), she left happily for school. Her return to school is much of a relieve to her as she has already spent one long miserable holiday in the company of her naughty brother and two equally naughty little cousins.
For me, it is back to routine work, projects, more work, more projects, blah, blah, blah...
2006 is finally here... erm...Hooray?
Surfing by: Happy Tree Friends By Mondo Mini Shows
A cartoon mini show that you can watch to while away the boring times... HTF characters look cuddly and cute, but this is definitely not your average girly cartoon!
An introduction taken off the website:The Happy Tree Friends are cute, cuddly animals whose daily adventures always end up going horribly wrong. No matter how innocently their day begins, it always ends in mayhem. The ensemble cast includes Cuddles, the cutest darn rabbit you'll ever meet, and Petunia, a sweet girl skunk always mindful to wear air freshener. Traveling through picturesque settings and speaking in a kooky language all their own, the Happy Tree Friends never know what chaos lingers just around the bend. PLEASE NOTE (ALSO):