A Teochew Lullaby
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Recently, the kids got interested in a Teochew lullaby. It is titled "Orh Ah Orh" (or maybe it is "Ong Ah Ong??). Valerie, Lucas and Chu Hui have been mumbling this whenever they go into one of their noisy singing sessions. Haha!
Coincidentally, you can also hear Hong Hui Fang singing this in the MediaCorp Raintree Pictures' horror movie, The Maid.
*** 呵呀呵 (Click here if you can not view Chinese text.)
呵呀呵,呵金贡; 金贡仔做老爹,阿文阿武来担靴; 担浮浮,阿奴养鸡大过牛; 黄牛生马仔,马仔生珍珠; 珍珠弄弄圆,阿谢读书付科期; 去哩草鞋撑雨伞,来哩白马挂金鞍。 ***
Note:The lyrics and/or translations may not be 100% accurate! Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I will try to get my hands on an MP3 version of the song if possible. :-)