And the spaghetti was great...
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Friday's gathering at Paulaner's was pretty interesting. Met up with BL at the pub and she let me in on some interesting pieces of news. The turnout was good, except for the guys from Geo-T, and the drinks were free! :)
Did not think I could stomach the beer, but after a while, I decided for some red wine instead. Did not get much of a chance to chat with a lot of people but I've had a good handful to talk to nonetheless.
BL introduced me to Phoebe and found out that she's the one taking care of our claims... hmm... 'threatened' her to make sure she handles Uncle moe's claims properly... hurhurhur!
Anyway, BL had to leave early and I was left standing awkwardly beside KK - with nothing much in common to talk about and him staying aloof. Ha! Luckily, Stefan was around to keep the moods up for me. He's a nice fellow.
Janet came around 1900hrs+ and went upstairs to look for me. Introduced her to some big, hairy German friends as well as Siew Chen, who was leaving Singapore for Germany on Sunday. Chatted a bit and left for dinner. Hahah! CZ actually agreed to me that dinner place would have been a better location as there would be better 'proper' food to eat! Too bad dude!
Dinner at Moonfish was (as usual) fantastic! Had our usual fix of the combo spaghetti and pizza. Went home early as Valerie had to go church early on Saturday morning. Got to pick her up from the in-law's place... sucks... :(
Next time then...