Going legal
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Since the start of the crackdown of illegal downloading and sharing of media files and software in Singapore, my wife has been warning me not to cross the line and do anything illegal.
With the recent jailing of the two seditious bloggers, she's gotten even more paranoid.
Mr. Ngeow speaking... Wife: Hey, you better don't get yourself into any trouble with the law over your blog ok!
moe: ...
Wife: Don't sekali kena arrested over some stupid comments you made on your blog hor!?!?
moe: ...erm
** Wife giving me the suspicious look
Wife: You have not done anything illegal, have you?
moe: Nope! Don't worry lah... worst case scenario, I get famous lor!
Wife: !@#!@#$$!@#$@$!@%$^%$%^%$&@$
Duh! Well, don't worry lah dear, I will not get into trouble with the law one leh! Kekekek! Besides, I have friends of many different races and religions. So, I don't think I will be risking my relationships with them by shooting my mouth offposting anything against their races or religions!
I reckon I will be rather safe and will not be in any trouble - at least not if anyone's pissed off about my stupid posts about worklife! :)
On the MP3 side, I have started downloading songs off the Soundbuzz site. Seems the only other option for me since iTunes and Napster are both "not available in my region". Duh! So, as you can see, I am going legal recently...
At least for now. Hehe! *evil grin*