Be a Park Explorer in Singapore!
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Just saw this off the SBS Transit website while taking a break and surfing the local sites. Don't think this is new but is worth taking a look/reminding...
SBS Transit has introduced the Parks 400, 401, 403, 408 services for the selected few parks in Singapore. It is now even easier to visit them! Quick, get your family and picnic boxes together and hit the parks! :)
It's good to promote good family lifestyle and stay healthy right? :)
Fare is fixed at a flat rate of SGD1.00 per trip (by cash or EZ-Link card). Full details (parks serviced, etc.) available here. Seems like they are giving away free gifts too!
Technorati tags : singapore | public transport
Ah Peks at Arab Street
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We ah peks were at Arab Street for chomp this afternoon - Khan, Kenny and myself.
Being first-timers, we were quite ignorant about the dishes and apparently not too sure about what to expect too.
For starters, we had potato wedges.
The main course was a mixed platter of different meats and this came served with pita (I guess).
After the meal, we had Turkish coffee and we learnt that we should not have this served with a spoon.
We tend to stir the cups when there's a spoon around. For this coffee, we SHOULD NOT STIR! See the amount of sendiment/residue/powder/etc. that is on that spoon!
All in all, lunch was filling and good. We returned to office feeling stoned and too full for work.
Technorati tags : arab street | kopi-o
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Lucas feeling the vibes at HMV Heeren. This last Saturday of the June holidays was spent in Orchard.
In the evening, we hit The Heeren and I brought the kids to HMV while Janet shopped around.
The kids had a great time 'sampling' music. This pic was taken of Lucas enjoying Engelbert Humperdink's 'Quando, quando, quando'.
I am now Starhubbed
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Finally made the switch over to Starhub as my Singnet service will cease today.
Signed up for the MaxOnline 6500 service and chose the Wireless G package over the HP IPAQ one. Although the IPAQ seems really tempting and tasty, the sums just didn't add up for me.
Comparing Wireless G Package vs. HP IPAQ Package 1. Upfront payment. Wireless G : SGD79.80 (1st month subscription) IPAQ : SGD202.50 (1st month subscription + cable modem + service activation charge)
2. Free Cable modem for Wireless G Package. Have to buy own modem at SGD99.00+ from Starhub (or outside and give Starhub Mac Address of set for setup).
3. Discounted Subscription Fee. Wireless G : 15% for 24 Months (SGD67.83/mth) IPAQ : 10% for 24 Months (SGD71.82/mth)
Guess I will have to give the Pocket PC a miss! :) But, it's ok.
So folks, please stop sending emails to me at my defunct Singnet account. I am easily reachable at 'petaflopz at gmail dot com' (you know the rules!)
Technorati tags : singapore isp | singnet | starhub | maxonline
The Culprit is Back!
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Yes, at 0109hrs 24 June 2005, it was revived!
Taking out my screw-driver set, I removed all screws that I could find on the PDA. After that, I tried to pry open the cover with the flat head screwdriver. It worked!
Opening the covers, I see wires, circuits, all of which are alien to me. Being the kay-kian person I am, I just gave the PCB a few presses and rubs, coupled with frequent blowing and knocking.
Determined to try it out again, I put on the same set of batteries I used when it zapped my thumb - this time, cautious of any shock-happy sparks that might be emitted.
Nothing happened. Turned it on, and what a surprise! It came back to life!!!
Hehee! To think I nearly went for the HP IPAQ rx3417 PDA... :)
Note: If you want to buy me a PDA, pls go ahead. I seriously do not mind at all!
Technorati tags : pda | palmtop
Zapped thumb
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My PDA blew up last night.
Yes, it BLEW UP. As I put in the fresh batteries, there was a spark coming from somewhere within the battery compartment and it zapped me in the thumb. And YES, it actually ZAPPED me. Now, I am sporting a slightly burnt right thumb that looks more like a bruise than anything.
So, I guess after 4 years, it is time to say bye bye to my PDA.
I am now PDA-less, how disheartening.
Woe to the Seng Kang Heavy Vehicle Driver
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Recently, I noticed something about my neighbourhood estate.
A lot of lorries, school buses, vans, and other heavy vehicles (HV) all parked illegally along side roads, service roads, un-commissioned (is that the word for it?) roads, etc. This is a common sight if you drive around Seng Kang neighbourhood in the evenings after 2000hrs.
For the record, I am not complaining against them. Read on...
********************** Scenario You are a bus driver. It is 1930hrs and time to call it a day. You are beat and yearn badly for that cosy cushion at home (now, I am just being dramatic here).
You own a flat in Seng Kang - but you can't drive home to it. You will first have to park your HV at Defu Lane (which happens to be where the nearest HV park is) before making your way home. Reaching the HV Park at 1945hrs, you have to decide how you should get yourself home.
Your options include; 1. Bicycle 2. Public Transport (bus, taxi) 3. Walk
Taking the bicycle seems to be a great option. It is free and you get to exercise those muscles. But, you are already tired. Where to find strength to cycle from Defu Lane back home?
You decide to try the public transport. The buses come in 10-15 minute intervals. By the time you get home, it is about a quarter past 8(at least). By far, this seems to be the best option. Taking the taxi? You decide that you are not that rich.
Walking home is a definite NO-NO for you. You would rather cycle!
With this scenario, I wrote to the URA. A reply I got from them says...
... 2 There is a deliberate government policy since 2000, not to build any more HV parking facilities in or near HDB estates. This is in response to complaints and feedback from other residents about the noise, safety hazard and disamenity posed by the parking of such vehicles. As HVs are intended for business use and not as means of personal transport for drivers to use to commute between their homes and their workplaces, HV drivers like other workers should leave their HVs in their place of work and commute home via public transport or other means of personal transport. Where more HV parking facilities are needed, they would be provided at workplaces like in industrial estates. ...
Hmm... to provide HV parking within housing estates is considered a 'DISAMENITY'. So cheem. What I do know is that this creates a whole lot of inconvenience for HV drivers!
I understand the views of these 'other residents' in view of the noise, safety hazards, etc. HV might create.
My suggestions/views to URA were... 1. There are parcels of land within the housing estates that are of relatively comfortable distances from the main residential areas. These can be used for HV parking with minimal 'disturbance' to residents.
2. The number of illegally parked HV is high here in Seng Kang. This reflects on the need to have HV parking nearer the estates as a lot of these drivers would rather risk getting booked for a parking offence then to park in Defu Lane.
3. Ok, HV are considered working vehicles and should be left at work place. What if I own a school bus (PRIVATE one ok!?!) No office, no workplace. Where to park? Gahmen should consider this too!
Just last week, I got a reply from URA saying...
... 2. While it is inconvenient for HV drivers, the decision not to provide any more heavy vehicle (HV) parks in or near HDB estates was made to protect the amenity of the larger population of residents. It is not a popular decision and we have received appeals from some residents, both through the media and through the Members of Parliament, for some relieve - at least while there still some vacant lands further away from the residential blocks which are not required for development yet. ...
Note! It says '...not a popular decision...' so why gahmen say that it was due to feedback and complaints that they 'deliberately implemented' (see previous quote on URA's first reply to me) this policy of not building any HV parking facilities in/near HDB estates?!?!? If it was not a popular decision now, could it have been so overwhelming in the first place to 'influence' the gahmen to make their decision?
End of the day gahmen say, gahmen do. What to do?
Back from Bangkok
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Back from Bangkok and after a day's rest away from work and blogging. Heh! Quite a nice feeling to be back in Singapore.
At least my throat's feeling ok and my toothache that's been bugging me for almost a week now is gone.
If you are interested in the pictures we (actually, I) took during the trip, you may proceed here.
Some thoughts of mine.
I feel/learnt that... 1. It seems cheaper and more fun to get to Central Bangkok on the SRT (State Railway of Thailand). You get to see the sub-urban and squatter areas of Bangkok.
2. Tuk-tuk drivers are divided into the bad and not-so-bad categories. We agreed on 40 Baht for 2 x tuk-tuks but ended up paying 85 baht instead - they have been rated not-so-bad as they were friendly enough. As for the bad type, you find out for yourself! :)
3. Where possible, take the BTS (Bangkok Mass Transit System) Skytrain to get around the city. It is convenient and easy to navigate.
Most hotels tie up with BTS to offer 300 baht (15-trip) BTS tickets, that can be easily bought at the Concierge.
4. Chatuchak Weekend Market is much too over-rated. It is big and a lot of things are available. But, I would think Suan Lum Night Bazaar seems better - though some prices might be slightly higher.
F.Y.I., to get to Chatuchak Weekend Market, you will need to take the BTS Skytrain to Mo Chit station.
5. Better visit Bangkok without the kids. They suffer there... not just the food, but the weather is harsh.
6. When visiting temples/tourist spots, it is better to bring along a fan or some maps/paper/magazines. When you see some funny guy/gal coming up to you with a digital camera, cover your face (in our case, Valerie and Lucas' faces) and tell them sternly 'NO PICTURES'. This will deter them from taking your pictures and selling you souvenirs imprinted with these pictures that they took.
7. The people of Thailand are a friendly bunch! :)
Where to next?
Technorati tags : thailand | bangkok | travel
Moe's Script Archive
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Good stuff! Taken from moe's script archives! An ultimate ah beng ASP script for you!
<% PissedOffAtWork = true ReaderIsPissed = false
if PissedOffAtWork=true then StillPissedOff = true OwnerNotPissed = false
Function UtterProfanities(outlanguage) select case outlanguage case "hokkien" UtterProfanities = "KNNB,CCB,KNN,LJ,CB" case "english" UtterProfanities = "WTF,FO,MF,FB,AH,DH" case else UtterProfanities = "KNNB,CCB,KNN,LJ,CB,WTF,FO,MF,FB,AH,DH" end select End Function
Do While StillPissedOff with response .write UtterProfanities("hokkien") & "<BR>" .write "Forget the stupid countdown! Countdown or not, I am still going to BKK!" end with
if ReaderIsPissed then OwnerNotPissed = true end if Loop Until OwnerNotPissed else 'Do Nothing end if %>
Lucas and Trin posing with Janet
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Trin is back from California for a short stay during the summer holidays.
She will be leaving for the U.S. again this Tuesday. Hey, have a nice trip home!
This picture was taken on Sunday at my mum's place where there was a small family gathering.
Countdown lapse...
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BKK Countdown : 4 Days to Bangkok trip.
Checklist: - Pack luggagex (not done) - Plan travel route/destinationsx (not done) - Exchange currencyx (not done)
To Do: - Lots of sh*t!
Ok... missed the posts over the weekend. Been real busy over the weekend as mum had a small family gathering at her house.
Have to start packing and preparing soon! :)
Madagascan Day
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BKK Countdown : 7 Days to Bangkok trip.
Checklist: - Pack luggagex (not done) - Plan travel route/destinationsx (not done) - Exchange currencyx (not done)
To Do: - Lots of sh*t!
The kids do not know about the movie trip this evening, YET. :) They do not know we will be watching Madagascar tonight.
This is a consipracy on our part. We shall not divulge to them anything. We are the SCHEMING PARENTS. **(Count Dracula music in background)**
Do you bus spot?
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BKK Countdown : 8 Days to Bangkok trip.
Checklist: - Pack luggagex (not done) - Plan travel route/destinationsx (not done) - Exchange currencyx (not done)
To Do: - Lots of sh*t!
Ever since this blog kena tomorrowed, I have found many interesting referrers from my site meter logs. For example, I just learnt that there is a forum dedicated to Singapore Buses, the healthy hobby of bus spotting, and anything related to buses in general.
Oh ya, watching Madagascar tomorrow at GV Plaza. Lost the 'challenge' where I told the kids that if both of them could pronounce the word 'Madagascar' by the end of the day (last Saturday), I will bring them to the show... I lost happily. :)
sgblogconspiracy: I am FUGS
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Foreber Unler Gahmen Serwiz (aka FUGS) tellwould like to inform you netizens of the Singapore brogosphere: ObeyFollow the gahmen regulations and you will not be sued or mysteriously taken off the surface of this puny brogosphere. We (the gahmen) have deployed spies from gahmen agencies, statutory boards, and other gahmen-related what-nots to make sure you don't anyhow preh-preh and shoot your mouth (or keyboard) off on the "Intheneck". We are, afterall, a PEACEFUL nation.
After a recent "starry" debacleincident, Zeus the gahmen has decided that the brogosphere is too dangerous a place if left un-gahmen-mented.. Therefore, our policy makers have decided to implement the "Stop'em Offending Blogs" (S.O.B) campaign to curb the would be threat to the peace and tranquility of our island country's good image.
Meaning which from now on, all bloggers in the Singapore brogosphere is to get registered with the B.R.O.G (Broggers Really Offend Gahmen) agency.
Submission requirements: 1. 1 x set of mugshots (We will not use your photograph for anything else other than press releases of your arrest if you misbehave) 2. 1 x your blogging account user id and password (like for blogger.com, etc.) (This is to facilitate smoother and easier regulation of your blog by B.R.O.G.)
Upon successful application, you will receive: 1. 1 x copy of C.O.E. (Certificate Of Existence ~ hey, we need COEs for everything in SG right?) (So you can continue blogging, without which you should not exist)
[mr brown's article]
Technorati tag : sgblogconspiracy
Audio : Listen
BKK Countdown : 9 Days to Bangkok trip.
Checklist: - Pack luggagex (not done) - Plan travel route/destinationsx (not done) - Exchange currencyx (not done)
To Do: - Lots of sh*t!

Yes folks, kena 'tomorrowed' at Tomorrow.sg with my 10 BTAs post and the sitemeter finally seems to be working... haha! :)
Audio : Listen
BKK Countdown : 10 Days to Bangkok trip.
Checklist: - Pack luggagex (not done) - Plan travel route/destinationsx (not done) - Exchange currencyx (not done)
To Do: - Lots of sh*t!
On a separate issue, my brother's made it through his Uni days!
Just got news that he had cleared his final term subjects. Congrats bro! If you guys wanna drop him a note or two, you may go by his blog at nephanalysis.blogspot.com.
And on another separate and totally unrelated issue, I have been searching for Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, all over the NLB's eLibraryHub portal only to find that the available copies are either on loan or have been reserved. To buy the book will cost me a good SGD23.00++ and to reserve the copy with NLB will cost me SGD1.55, bummer!
Being the ngeow person that I am, I will persevere and wait till the loaners return them books!!!