sgblogconspiracy: I am FUGS
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Foreber Unler Gahmen Serwiz (aka FUGS) tellwould like to inform you netizens of the Singapore brogosphere: ObeyFollow the gahmen regulations and you will not be sued or mysteriously taken off the surface of this puny brogosphere. We (the gahmen) have deployed spies from gahmen agencies, statutory boards, and other gahmen-related what-nots to make sure you don't anyhow preh-preh and shoot your mouth (or keyboard) off on the "Intheneck". We are, afterall, a PEACEFUL nation.
After a recent "starry" debacleincident, Zeus the gahmen has decided that the brogosphere is too dangerous a place if left un-gahmen-mented.. Therefore, our policy makers have decided to implement the "Stop'em Offending Blogs" (S.O.B) campaign to curb the would be threat to the peace and tranquility of our island country's good image.
Meaning which from now on, all bloggers in the Singapore brogosphere is to get registered with the B.R.O.G (Broggers Really Offend Gahmen) agency.
Submission requirements: 1. 1 x set of mugshots (We will not use your photograph for anything else other than press releases of your arrest if you misbehave) 2. 1 x your blogging account user id and password (like for blogger.com, etc.) (This is to facilitate smoother and easier regulation of your blog by B.R.O.G.)
Upon successful application, you will receive: 1. 1 x copy of C.O.E. (Certificate Of Existence ~ hey, we need COEs for everything in SG right?) (So you can continue blogging, without which you should not exist)
[mr brown's article]
Technorati tag : sgblogconspiracy