Moe's Script Archive
Audio : Listen
Good stuff! Taken from moe's script archives! An ultimate ah beng ASP script for you!
<% PissedOffAtWork = true ReaderIsPissed = false
if PissedOffAtWork=true then StillPissedOff = true OwnerNotPissed = false
Function UtterProfanities(outlanguage) select case outlanguage case "hokkien" UtterProfanities = "KNNB,CCB,KNN,LJ,CB" case "english" UtterProfanities = "WTF,FO,MF,FB,AH,DH" case else UtterProfanities = "KNNB,CCB,KNN,LJ,CB,WTF,FO,MF,FB,AH,DH" end select End Function
Do While StillPissedOff with response .write UtterProfanities("hokkien") & "<BR>" .write "Forget the stupid countdown! Countdown or not, I am still going to BKK!" end with
if ReaderIsPissed then OwnerNotPissed = true end if Loop Until OwnerNotPissed else 'Do Nothing end if %>