The Ubin Group
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It was Saturday evening, and Valerie gave a call to my parents. Somehow, she managed to convince them to join us for a trip to Pulau Ubin.
It is indeed rare that my parents will agree to 'sweat' themselves out in the heat of the forest/jungle/etc, and become mosquito-food.
So, we grabbed every opportunity and set the trip for the following day.
NO ESCAPING THEN!!! Heeheeh! *evil grin*
The journey there was made on bumboat and I guess overall, the group had an enjoyable time! :)
See the entire set of photos here and other miscellaneous shots here and here.
Justice On Wheels
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Justice on Wheels!
Yah lah, my crappy version leh! Dun tell me the drawing sucks... cos I am not an artist hor!
Did this doodle on a cold and crappy Friday afternoon... nothing much left to do right? Haha, good old Singaporean version leh! very sard-sard one!
Star Wars Episode 3 : ROTS
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After watching Star Wars EP3 on Saturday morning, I must say this.
The lovey-dovey scenes between Anakin and Padme really disturbs! Haha! It actually made me feel and believed for the first time that Star Wars INDEED WAS some space-aged soap opera concocted by George Lucas.
Corny lines, indeed they were - and freak out, I must. (Heh, very yoda hor? Now, who's the corny one here?)
However, overall, it was much much better than EP1 & EP2.
10 Bus Travel Annoyances
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BTAs - to me, that is!
1. Men who stand so close to you along the aisle and there you have his crotch so close right next to your face, and sometimes, the smell is just so... ~ ~ *yewh* (for goodness sake, if you are guilty of this act, please do everyone a favour and give yourself a good wash down there first!)
2. Mobile phone users who think that everyone needs to know about the current conversation. (Eh, Ah Lim, I don't need to know what you did with your Xiao-yu last night leh. Next time, please try to boast to your friends about your "sexcapadesescapades when you are not in the bus lah!)
3. People whose bags are so precious that they have to 'chop' a place on the seat.
Worst if they go marketing and have the wet plastic bags placed on the seats AND they offer the seat to you... :| (excuse me har, how to sit there with all the fish blood, unknown liquids, etc. on the seat?)
4. People who have long legs. So long that they simply can not fit into the space between this chair and the next. They have to resort to supporting their legs on the hinds of the chairs in front - usually accompanied with constant rythmic shaking.
Oh, and ladies, you must have had the bad experience of having your hair caught between their knees and the back of the chairs... ouch!
5. People who hang their umbrellas on the back of the chairs - knocking into your head each time they hang it or take it off.
6. Ladies who simply refuse to open their handbads/totes/slingbags/etc. to locate their EZ-Link cards when there is a problem reading the card - even when there is a long queue of people waiting behind to get on the bus.
Instead, they choose to perform the ever-so-familiar ezlink-dance.
EZLink Dance Steps Step 1: Raise your arm a bit (handbag around elbow). Step 2: Bring down your arm just a bit. Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 till satisfied. (Sometimes, I see people improvise these steps to include banging their handbags/barang barangs on the card readers.)
7. People with Rotiboy/Baker's Boy/whatever-you-can-name-them Boy coffee buns.
Yes, I am a coffee lover. But the strong artificial coffee smell in an enclosed place is definitely not pleasant! Makes me giddy most times! Durians are much better by comparison!
8. Extra careful bus captains (I will have you know they are bus captains ok!? Not bus drivers hor!) who would travel at break-neckpatience speed that even the bengish motorized bikes can overtake!
Also not forgetting waiting at the zebra crossings for people who have just started crossing the traffic junction at the other side of the road! YES! This happened on route 163 in Seng Kang before! Incredible! And I was one of the blessed few who could witness this show of ultimate kindness.
9. The automatic stage update function that prevents people from tapping their EZ-Link cards before the bus nears the stop.
Come on! The gahmen also trust us liao, IRs(read CASINO) approved also, good test of Singaporeans' strength right?
10. People who simply refuse to budge when there is OBVIOUSLY a lot of space at the back of the bus and they are right in the middle near the exit doors, blocking the aisle. These people block the way and others have no way of boarding the bus at all!
Some of them even ignore the bus captains when they tell them to move to the back!
SNE #107 by Mr. Brown
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Went surfing by Mr. Brown's and saw the latest addition to his SNE (Singapore National Education) series of posts. I must say it kicks ass! :)
SNE #107 features a lot of matters very close to heart! My fave one is number 19.
*Psst! I not lazy to write something myself hor... just happened to surf there and saw this interesting bit, so I thought I should share share lah!
-- ADDED --
In case you are too lazy to click the link, #19 says...
19. That Singapore is going to get two casinos because the Government has faith in the strength of Singaporeans to deal with the vices of gambling.
Oh, so that's why we cannot get in without paying $100 a day or $2000 a year, whilst foreigners get in for free.
I can't wait for the Gahmen to have faith in the strength of Singaporeans to deal with porn, satellite TV, and chewing gum.
wah, wonder which other 'vice' is gahmen going to try next to test Singaporeans' strength.
Some possibilities: 1. Firecrackers (by individuals) 2. Adult TV (not necessary porn, just ADULT) 3. Adult magazines (not necessary porn, just ADULT) 4. REAL freedom of speech (no controlling what people can/cannot say in parlaymen one!)
Updates: Added Technorati and Haloscan
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Yah... very free right? You should know that these stuff take me no more than 10 minutes to configure and update (knowing the technologically-in-the-know me). Haha! Yah right!
I have just got myself registered with Technorati and Haloscan services to 'enhance' my blog lah.
fugs! :)
Rainy Monday.
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And yet another rainy day.
It was quite stuffy last night and I had suspiciously wondered why then. My suspicion was cleared early this Monday morning when it started to POUR.
It was horrible in Fernvale, Seng Kang where I live. The opposite blocks of flats were nothing but a fuzzy image of a building structure. The windmill hanging outside my unit had been blown off position, my shoe rack was not where it was supposed to be - and my shoes look like they've just been through the washer!
Thinking of the weather, I begin to wonder how long more before I can organize another LPS (Lunchtime Photography Session) with Marcus and maybe Jason (if he turns up for work!! Don't take offence dude! :))
We, the LPSians have been trying unsuccessfully to organize an outing during our 1 hour lunch break - to shoot some cityscapes. However, since our informal "inauguration" way back sometime in June/July 2004, we have only managed ONE miserable outing (only Marcus and myself)! *fwah...hahahah! you might laugh! :|
Anyway, just babbling around on this cold, frustrating, and humid Monday afternoon. ta ta!
My work table on Friday 13th
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Getting pissed with work - shoot ard with my puny phonecam.
Here you see: 1. My watch sitting on my namecards. 2. Jap sake wine bottle being misused. 3. pair of white (i love the colour!) audio-technica sound cups 4. parts of my LCD monitor and keyboard. 5. a project schema hand-drawn by yours truly. 6. calculator which was used earlier to calculate my bonus :)
The Art of Seat-sharing Avoidance
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Let me warn you first, I was getting real bored after a long meeting when I wrote the following... expect some rubbish from me.... read on. :)
On the daily commute back home from work, I can see a lot of this happening. Sometimes it gets real irritating to see this happening.
I have put together an unofficial list of what some people do to achieve what I call the "Art of Seat-sharing Avoidance". Be it sharing a seat next to theirs, giving up their seats for others (e.g. pregnant ladies, elderly, etc.), people certainly have a way of avoiding them!
*Please note: This list is definitely NOT EXHAUSTIVE!*
1. Be in 'eternal' sleep mode when on the MRT/bus. (**This kind of people usually do not fail to wake up on time for their stop. Oh, and they can still jive and bob their heads to the music piping through their headsets!**)
2. Always sit in the middle of the row of seats when on the MRT. Let those sitting at the sides give way! :)
3. Look lian-ish or beng-ish. Whenever someone nears your seat, give them the killer stare, sit with your kar-kwee-kwee.
4. Talk non-stop on your mobile phone while looking in opposite direction of the person. (This usually goes with Point 6.)
5. Have really bad BO or bad breath.
6. Have a bag (schoolbag, marketing bag, any bag!) placed on the chair, covering almost half of the other seat. How the hell is people going to sit?
7. Be real sweaty (very visibly) and start cleaning yourself non-stop.
8. Put a packet of tissue on the seat next to you (Haha! Ok, I admit I am running out of ideas here. So, just a dig at the Raffles Place tissue culture!)
9. If you are a guy, sit with your fly undone (don't blame me if you get arrested for this!).
10. If you are a lady with good 'frontal assets', wear a top with a seriously plunging neckline. (You will notice all the chee-kor-peks crowding around your seat instead of sitting beside you.
Ok, enough yakking liao, better stop before I go koo koo...hah!
It's Pouring!
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Ti orh orh beh lor hor... eh, correction, it's already pouring now!
What a way to start Mother's Day!?!
Janet's on the way to the market to get essentials for the week to come. (Remember? It's EXAM Week for Valerie and me as the pei du papa will be busy preparing her for it.)
Rain seems to be getting lighter now, but still shows no indication of stopping... ha! Don't think it will!
Happy Mother's Day!
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To All Mamas in the world!
We Love Ya!
It's THE Friday! But...
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The weekend feel has yet to hit home yet. It may not come by this week after all. It is EXAM WEEK!!
As I awoke today, I remembered it to be Friday. Usually, a rush of energy will get me on my feet and on to a new and fresh 'end-of-the-week' day. But it did not happen today. This is the onset to the dreaded weekend-before-the-exams.
No, I am not having exams now - Valerie is. Being the father cum tutor cum lecturer cum study papa cum B.S.B.H. (abbrev. Bao Suah Bao Hai) figure, I am given the all important task of getting little Val ready for her exams. Si liao!
Well, there goes my weekend - burned, gone, wasted. BUT, for the good of my dear Valerie, papa will persevere all the way!
Good luck Val! :)
My love-hate relationship with Photography
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I am into PHOTOGRAPHY - being the one taking the pictures of course!
Being the 'pro' that I was, I was frequently volunteered as the photographer at family gatherings and such. Now, the reasons why I seldom declined (unless it is for wedding or ROM), is that I would rather be the one taking pictures than being the one in the pictures.
As an average looking person (by my own high standards), I hated going in front of the lens. I feel uneasy posing for a picture and get a little (just a little lah!) worried of how I would look in the final print. Haha! I quite vain-pop one ok?!?!
While getting photographed is not my cuppa, I must admit that I am quite an avid photographer.
You might catch me snapping away at the plants outside my flat, scrutinizing the moulds that are growing around the flower pots, pointing my camera at kids (not kiddie porn hor! I am not like some people leh!), etc. 'CRAZY', that's what my wife likes to call me whenever she sees me doing these. My most recent 'project' was taken from my living room with a DIY setup that took me 5 mins to do up. I have posted a shot from this project at Clubsnap.org Forums for comments and critique. You can view the discussion thread here.
As you can see, I am the sort of guy who would rather be 'shooting at' than being 'shot at'. Please forgive me the next time you see me excusing myself from a shot. :)
So folks, what makes your cuppa?
Notice: TagBoard Service has resumed
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Good news! Tagboard is up and running again!
Notice: TagBoard service unavailable
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The TagBoard service has suddenly decided to quit. Duh! I actually have no idea why it is not working. Only thing I know is that the main host server is down and somebody is having his ass screwed big time over at TabBoard's.
As long as this service is unavailable, I will have it removed from the sidebars to avoid having to wait a long time for the page to load and getting Javascript error pop-ups.
Till it works again folks!