It's THE Friday! But...
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The weekend feel has yet to hit home yet. It may not come by this week after all. It is EXAM WEEK!!
As I awoke today, I remembered it to be Friday. Usually, a rush of energy will get me on my feet and on to a new and fresh 'end-of-the-week' day. But it did not happen today. This is the onset to the dreaded weekend-before-the-exams.
No, I am not having exams now - Valerie is. Being the father cum tutor cum lecturer cum study papa cum B.S.B.H. (abbrev. Bao Suah Bao Hai) figure, I am given the all important task of getting little Val ready for her exams. Si liao!
Well, there goes my weekend - burned, gone, wasted. BUT, for the good of my dear Valerie, papa will persevere all the way!
Good luck Val! :)