Rainy Monday.
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And yet another rainy day.
It was quite stuffy last night and I had suspiciously wondered why then. My suspicion was cleared early this Monday morning when it started to POUR.
It was horrible in Fernvale, Seng Kang where I live. The opposite blocks of flats were nothing but a fuzzy image of a building structure. The windmill hanging outside my unit had been blown off position, my shoe rack was not where it was supposed to be - and my shoes look like they've just been through the washer!
Thinking of the weather, I begin to wonder how long more before I can organize another LPS (Lunchtime Photography Session) with Marcus and maybe Jason (if he turns up for work!! Don't take offence dude! :))
We, the LPSians have been trying unsuccessfully to organize an outing during our 1 hour lunch break - to shoot some cityscapes. However, since our informal "inauguration" way back sometime in June/July 2004, we have only managed ONE miserable outing (only Marcus and myself)! *fwah...hahahah! you might laugh! :|
Anyway, just babbling around on this cold, frustrating, and humid Monday afternoon. ta ta!