In the End...
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And in the end, my mum and partners decided to play it safe and not go ahead with the business venture. After careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons, the trio has decided that this was a deal that carried a risk much more than they would suffer - details of which I shall not linger on since their decision is final.
So (for) now, everything is back to normal and that is good.
Back in Walawala-land, Mr.鸡蛋's days are not getting any better. More irritating incidents and happenings than one can handle psychologically. Haha! I am still slogging with my scripts and codes. Duh!?! Walawala-land really keeps us busy, busy, busy!!! 鸡蛋!!
Oh shit! I am turning more and more Mr.鸡蛋 already!
Damn! I think I've caught the flu bug somehow... 鸡蛋!