5050 is sick
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5050's sick. He needs new specs and more... Sent 5050 to the hospital... the diagnosis? It's sick and needs a new pair of spectacles.
5050's had it tough. Went through shitty weather with me, sweaty times with me and a little bit of careless, rough handling by me too. Now it has taken ill... not fun liao! :(
Noticed this freaky whitish patch on the lens the other day... immediately I knew it was fungus. Fuck! So, while on leave last week, I sent it to the service centre for an evaluation... results came back with a recommendation for a replacement lens. This is going to set me back SGD190.00!!! And 5050's going to have to 'hospitalized' for at least 2 weeks! Aarrggghhhh! Curse the humidity!!!
I have decided to send it in only after the Chinese New Year. At least I have something to take pictures with during the new year.
When that time comes, anyone with a free Fujifilm F11 to borrow or give perhaps? Or maybe a spare Finepix 5600 somewhere??? Heehee!