Sugarcane Juice
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On Saturday, we visited Ang Mo Kio Central's Food Centre for dinner. Dinner was simple fare, but the experience we got was nowhere near simple.
Almost immediately upon our arrival, we were greeted with a very loud and startling, "來! 甘蔗水!?"
WTF! This guy was trying to get us to buy sugarcane juice from his stall. Since we'd only just arrived, I simply told him we will decide later. We found a table near the sugarcane stall (most unfortunately) and ordered our food.
Less than 5 minutes later, the same guy came along to our table and shouted (YES! S-H-O-U-T-E-D!), "來! 甘蔗水!?" This really startled Janet and she actually jumped upon hearing the sudden shouting of the man. I waved him off, signalling him that we will decide later (again). We finished our food and by then, I was already very pissed by his frequent "來! 甘蔗水!?" to other customers at the tables near his stall.
I decided to order the sugarcane juice from another stall instead. A while later, Mr. 甘蔗水 came behind Janet and shouted the same fucking sentence to another table. This really scared her a lot so I changed seats with her. A short while later, Mr. 甘蔗水 again did the same thing behind her - but this time, his shouting sprinkled many drops of saliva into Janet's food and body. Feeling pissed, Janet asked him to stop shouting as this was both very irritating and unhygienic as he was 'spraying' his saliva all over the place.
He ignored her and went back to his stall while still shouting "來! 甘蔗水!?" to anyone who passes by his stall. I took the bowl of dessert that Janet was eating and demanded him to pay me for that as he had 'deposited' his saliva into it and there was no way anyone could eat that anymore. He paid me SGD2.00 for that and I went back to my table.
By this time, the other stall holders beside him were talking to Janet. They were saying that he does this very frequently and many customers were scared a lot by his 'antics' and touting methods. Seeing Janet speaking to the other stall holders, Mr. 甘蔗水 shouted from his stall to her, telling her not to speak to the others now that we have received his SGD2.00. WTF! Nabeh! You really think we want your SGD2.00?
Janet, though as calm as she was always, lost it and shouted back at him that she has the rights to speak to anyone she pleases. Jeez! This guy really needs help!
Anyway, we left after that and I have since started contacting the NEA for the procedures to lodge a complaint.
Some things I noted: - Mr. 甘蔗水 seems to be on bad terms with his stall neighbours - he kept shouting "甘蔗水買完了!" to the other drink stalls. - Mr. 甘蔗水 is very unhygienic as he used his bare hands to clear the table in front of his stall and without washing them, proceeded to prepare sugarcan juice for customers. - Mr. 甘蔗水 swept all the leftover food on the table to the floor and seats dirtying them. Hmmph! That's one 'neat' way to clear the table.
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Gallery Updated!
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Took some shots of the kids on Sunday at the playground. Go here to see.
Yi Na was quite expressive...

Chu Hui was quiet...

Eugene was climbing everywhere...

Lucas was nowhere...(actually he was running around way too much) But, had something from the VivoCity trip to show...

Valerie was happy hanging here and there..

Chu Tuan could not be pictured as he was full of mosquito bites! Haha!
I have this feeling the UV filter is a bit overkill in the evening light. Will try removing it the next time I shoot during early evenings. As usual, my WB settings are killing me! Shit!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Fun at VivoCity
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Taken at the water sprouts area at VivoCity's children's playground. I was trying out the Continuous Auto-Focus (C-AF) mode using the 40-150mm lens. A little tricky to catch the way C-AF works, but if you play a little more with it, this function should not be a problem.
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Get Crabby!!
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Don't know if you've come across this before, but...
Crab Game
Split your brains!!! Haha!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Red Lantern
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New on the gallery...
 Camera Make: OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. Camera Model: E-500 Image Date: 2006:10:18 14:38:31 Flash Used: No (Auto) Focal Length: 113.0mm Exposure Time: 0.0004 s (1/2500) Aperture: f/4.5 ISO equiv: 400 White Balance: Manual Light Source: Fine Weather Metering Mode: Matrix Exposure: aperture priority (semi-auto)
I'm still not used to the White Balance (WB) settings on the camera. Must play more! :p
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
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The Pretty Scary Index rose to above 100 points again this afternoon. I guess I will have to thank Indonesia for this right? WTF!
Anyway, please drink plenty of water, and stay indoors if you have no business going out! :-)
Meanwhile, Marcus and family are ‘enjoying themselves’ at Bintan…
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
A new (expensive) toy
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I bought a new camera over the weekend.
Olympus E-500 After much 'research', I finally decided on the Olympus E-System with the E-500 D-SLR. At 8.0 megapixels, it should capture enough detail for my usage.
I was considering the Canon 400D too but, eventually went with my heart and bought the Oly instead. Out of the box, the E-500 gives the most natural colours one can find on the current range of D-SLRs (normal consumer cameras too!). The auto-focus (AF) system was a tad bit slower than the 400D's though. Other differences include 10.1MP vs. 8.0MP, CMOS vs CCD sensors, and of course, the price!
I bought the E-500 for SGD1399.00 including GST and it came with:
- E-500 Body
- 14-45mm Zuiko Digital (kit) lens
- 40-150mm Zuiko Digital lens
- 1 x battery
- 2 x Hoya UV filters
- 2GB Kingston 50x CF Card
- 1 x camera bag
- 1 x Olympus E-System padded camera strap
- 1 x xD card reader
This is cheaper than Canon's package of the 400D with just a single lens and a 1GB card at SGD1500.00 with GST.
Well, hope I have a lot of fun with my 'new toy' and post more new pictures to the gallery!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Trying out WordPress
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Giving WordPress a go. I will be testing out the features of WordPress at http://subaudible.wordpress.com.
Do drop by and leave some comments if you want!
Damn the bloody haze! My throat feels like some shithead's been rubbing sandpaper all over its walls! @!@#!@#!!!
My nose is runny, my throat is coarse, head's spinning like hell, and what else?! Yah, stupid James Blunt screaming "...you're beautiful!" over the headphones. Ohh! Shut up!!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com