EmailCashPro in Singapore
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 Click on banner and sign up!
Saw the ad on the MRT the other day. Think it is harmless to give it a try... what do you think? I have already signed up.
Click on the banner above if you are interested too. Let's make some moolah together!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Going at the gollems
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Screenshot of vandyke's stats at L52 Vandyke (pronounced van-dike, not van-deekee or vandy-ke!) a.k.a. HA-Cleric, having fun at Sleepy Dungeon with the Dark Stone Gollems.
Where are the Ancient Scrolls? Where are the Tobis? Aargghh! I will get them one day! Hahaah! Ok, I know this is soooo lame lor! Hurhurhur!
So guys, how far are you now in MS? Jumas?!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
I screwed up
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Thursday, busy, busy, busy, busy and BUSY!
Aargggghhh! And the stooopidest thing I have done till date? I deleted my entire Java project's files as well as the backups. How's that for fuck-ups of all fuck-ups!?!?!
Shit! Now I have to re-do my project with only a handful of days left till submission on Monday 24th!!! My oh my oh my oh my!!!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Congratulations to Kelvin and Silvia!
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My good friend Kelvin from Secondary days got married on Saturday. We were invited to Part Two of Three wedding dinners that he had to hold - one for his family (part one), one for his/her friends (part two), and one in Taiwan where the missus is from (part three).
Congratulations to my buddy Kelvin and his wife Silvia!
To be able to meet someone you can love and trust in this life is really a fantastic thing to happen. Cherish the moments that you spend together forever! This came a little late (3 days niah!) as I have been real busy lately... sorry lah Kelvin! Ha! Ha!
The dinner was great as a whole, though I find the food a little on the saltish side. The live band was good and the vocalist had a nice voice. Very nice for romantic songs (but leave out the Jazz and R&B, please!)
We were laughing at how Cornelius' name had been shortened to 'Corn' when I reached my seat and saw this...
 WTF! Mose?!? Not Moe, Moses, but Mose?! How about Moose?!
I have been listening a lot to the radio nowadays. The MP3 has been semi-permanently passed over to Janet since she has more use for it - jogging, exercising, etc. I, as with many other married men, have decided to help out with the housework while the wife has 'some time of her own'.
*yah yah yah...excuses from a lazy man!*
Anyway, I heard a live performance recording of a group called 'Soler' on the radio last night. Not bad at all! Did some research on the web and found out that they (Julio and Dino) were of Italian and Burmese descent.
These two brothers can speak and sing in no less than SEVEN languages! Phew!! Mandarin is one of them and they can speak it very well too! Of the tracks I heard off the radio, I liked 《海啸》and 《陌生人》 the most. I guess their album should be worth checking out.
Ok! Ok! Please!!! No pun was intended for the choice of 《海啸》(Tsunami).
Visit their website at http://www.solermusic.com.
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Getting my hands dirty
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For the past two days, I have been keeping myself busy installing servers. Heavy, old and dusty machines. Damn! Getting my eyes and nose all irritated and watery.
Setting up servers/PCs was something that was very 'natural' to me a couple of years back. Pass me a machine, the setup CDs and pop, I will get it up. Nowadays, I find that the dust and the amount of physical work I have to go through is nothing but shit - and a big load of shit it is! Ha! I guess too much of the 'good life' as a programmer really made me lazy.
Anyway, just imagine this. I am trying to install Windows Server 2003 on a 2xPentium II processor machine, running on a pathetic 512MB of RAM (ONLY!!!). Gosh! Copying the Windows setup files alone took almost ten minutes!
No choice lah. When you have to get it done, you'll just have to do it! You're paid to do the (any) job! That's why yours truly is getting his hands dirty on this one!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Flash mobs
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We were talking about flash mobs over lunch today. The idea is not new, but to the bunch of uncles that we were, it is quite an interesting difference to our boring everyday lives.
In case you do not already know what this is about...
The basic idea of a flash mob is:- A message gets sent around (computers, mobile networks, etc)
- In the message, people are asked to gather at a certain place, at a certain time, and to do a certain thing (e.g. clapping their hands for 2 minutes, laugh out loud for 1 minute, etc.)
- When time's up, everyone disperses and everything is back to normal.
That's it! Simple, easy and plain boring to some! Haha! Anyone interested in organising one? Haha!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Goating around
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France Italy won the World Cup!!! This means that the total amount I lost for this World Cup is SGD15.00... thought I could have at least made a hundred bucks but, well....
It was raining here in Singapore all through the night. Had to wake up and close the windows (yah, I did not stay up to watch THE MATCH of the year). And, because of the rain (and THE MATCH), the bus was exceptionally crowded today. Usually, the earlier buses at my place are more crowded... but today, everyone's taking the later bus! Sucks!
Having nothing better to do. We were at Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve yesterday. Not too bad. Overcast weather, breezy and not too humid. Did not cover all the routes as it began to rain halfway through and we had to take a shortcut out. Ha! After leaving the reserve, we visited a vegetable farm, and then stopped by Hay's Goat Farm. The goats were not as strong smelling as those at the zoo. I guess the huge fans they have placed near the stalls helped to lessen the strong 'goaty' smells.
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com
Back in business
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Wah, super busy leh! No time to put a post up here...haiz! So many things happening all around, everyone's been busy, busy, BUSY!
Just read from the papers today that Mr Brown's column for the papers got suspended - wah piang eh! Life is tough man...kekekek! Hopefully, everything will go well for him+family.
Nothing much for this post except maybe to leave you guys/gals with a link for an interesting video clip of Dr. Mahathir (ex-PM of Malaysia), as well as some posts on Hardwarezone regarding his comments in the clips.
I shall not be held responsible for the opinions expressed by the readers and writers on Hardwarezone forums. It is their own responsibility hor!
fugs http://fugs.blogspot.com